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----  哈曼收购Arcam  (http://nju520.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=3&id=26508)

--  作者:ning_5987
--  发布时间:2017-7-21 19:16:48
--  哈曼收购Arcam

据著名英国音响媒体《What HiFi?》7月16日消息,英国知名HIFI品牌雅骏Arcam近日宣布,被哈曼国际工业公司(Harman International Industries)收购。而去年年底,三星电子以的总成交额约80亿美元完成对哈曼的收购。合作伙伴关系承诺“加速创新,激励我们的品牌”。

哈曼集团如今是三星集团的一个分支,它旗下的音频品牌包括AKG、JBL、莱斯康Lexicon、马克列文森Mark Levinson,近日又增加了一个源自英国的品牌雅骏Arcam。但是实际上,早在2012年,雅骏Arcam就已经归属于总部在加拿大蒙特利尔的JAM集团的全资子公司。


雅骏Arcam公司销售和营销总监Scott Campbell在给Arcam客户的电子邮件中透露了消息“Arcam和Harman对于将最高质量的声音带入人们的生活中保持激情。Harman认识到Arcam的人员、技术和品牌具有价值和潜力,我们预计这种组合将为我们的客户带来契机和增值。我们相信,这是一个前所未有的机会,可以扩大Arcam的工程功能,并将其产品范围扩展到新的市场”。



--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:2017-8-17 0:29:42
--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:2017-8-17 0:31:31

Arcam acquired by Harman, a division of Samsung

16th July 2017 by 
The deal was announced in an email to Arcam customers. The partnership promises to "accelerate exciting innovations that will benefit our brands".

Arcam, one of the best-known brands in British hi-fi, has been acquired by Harman International Industries.

Harman is a division of a Samsung, following an $8 billion deal last year, and the owner of audio brands including AKG, JBL, Lexicon and Mark Levinson. In November 2012, Arcam had become a wholly owned subsidiary of JAM industries, based in Montreal.

The news was revealed in an email to Arcam customers from Scott Campbell, director of sales and marketing at Arcam.

"Arcam and Harman share a like-minded passion for bringing the highest quality sound into people\'s lives," the email reads.

"Harman recognises the value and potential of Arcam’s people, technologies, and brands, and we expect the combination will deliver growth opportunities and benefits to our customers. We believe this is an unprecedented opportunity to grow Arcam’s engineering capabilities and extend its product reach into new markets."

More after the break

The existing management team in Cambridge, England - where Arcam, originally A&R Cambridge, was founded - will remain, as will sales and distribution channels in the US. 

Arcam managing director Charlie Brennan adds: "Becoming part of Harman will give us access to technology and resources that should give us the means to develop better products in the future.

"I don\'t envisage any sudden moves - it\'s business as usual for all of the Arcam team. I believe we can make a big difference to the high-performance brands that Harman has owned for years and will continue my quest to save the world from bad sound with a bigger and stronger company behind us."

Let\'s hope the Arcam hi-fi and home cinema products benefit from the partnership.