声学楼论坛技术交流区测试、标准与评价、鉴赏测量、试验及标准室 → 常见的几种异音类型



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常见的几种异音类型  发帖心情 Post By:2007-3-22 22:20:43 [只看该作者]

1.      Buzz:  Any noise produced by a looseness of components vibrating against other components.

2.      Rub:  Any noise produced by the voice coil sliding or rubbing against other components.

3.      Bottoming:  The noise produced by the contact of the moving system with the transducer structure.

4.      Rattle:  The random noise produced by an object trapped within the transducer allowed to strike moving components.

5.      Frozen Coil:  Absence of free excursion caused by adhesive in the magnetic gap or an offset (loose) component of magnetic circuit.

6.      Air Noise:  The noise produced by high velocity air flow through a small leak.


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