Second Part - Modal Behavior and Establishment of a Model permitting the Determination of the Influence on the Sound Field
Eigenmodes (or simply "modes") are resonance phenomenoms : discrete phenomenoms consisting in the amplification of an initial periodical phenomenom. Every resonance phenomenom is caracterized by an establishment duration. So the amplitude of a particular mode depends on the time that the source radiates. The establishment duration depends on the absorbtion factor of the room's walls. The more reverberant a room is, the longer this duration is (til 10 sec. for a very reverberant room). Figure 3 presents the establishment of resonance in the theoretical case of two parallel walls.
Fig.3 - Establishment of resonance in the theoretical case of two parallel walls
Eigenvalues and eigenfunction
A mode is caracterized by an eigenvalue and an eigenfunction. With the eigenvalue, we can obtain the phenomenom's eigenfrequency. The eigenfunction gives the spatial distribution of the mode's amplitude. These two expressions can be found by solving the following eigenvalues problem :
where has to satisfy the boundary conditions imposed by the walls.
In the general case (absorbing walls), the boundary condition imposes that the vibration speed of the walls' particles equals the vibration speed of air :
So, by solving the problem, we obtain :
The resonance pulse is given by the following equation :
where corresponds to the resonance pulse and represents the damping factor.
Then the resonance frequency is expressed by equ. (13).
In the case of perfectly reflecting walls, this formula corresponds to the Rayleigh's well-known formula :
For an absorbing room, there can be differences up to 3 Hz between Rayleigh's formula and (13). Thus the formula (13) is really useful for determining exactly the resonance frequencies of a real-world room.
Determination of a mode's maximum value
The eigenfunction determines the spatial distribution of the pressure relative to the maximum value of the mode. Four methods have been tried. All four give similar results. The first three formulas assume that the energy is uniformely distributed throughout the room. This is generally the case when the energy is distributed through a great number of modes. The fourth method is less restrictive, because it takes the energy distribution inside a mode to directly determine the maximum pressure, without using established formulas in the case of a uniform energy distribution. Here are the formulas for the two most interesting methods (2 & 4) :
where is the term in square brackets of the next formula (17).
None of these formulas perfectly reflect reality. The values measured values are sometimes higher, sometimes lower than the ones obtained mathematically. While we obtain similar results for all 4 methods, the imprecision must come from the estimation of the power emitted by the loudspeaker. In fact, Waterhouse's formula conditions are difficult to fulfill in practice. It would be better to calculate the exact radiation impedance of our loudspeaker in a rectangular room to obtain more accurate results, but this is outside of the scope of this paper.
Frequency distribution of modes
Though modes are discrete phenomenoms in the frequency space, they look like steep peaks instead of vertical lines. A mode can be modeled by the following formula :
Figure 4 compares the calculated and the measured characterisitics of a mode.
Fig.4 - Calculated and measured characterisitics of a mode
The final model
By combining formulas (7), (15) (or (16)) and (18), we obtain the following model :
where represents the pressure's maximum value in the mode and "fact_pond" is the ponderal factor (formula (18)).
So to obtain the pressure in one point at one frequency, we must add the contribution of all modes. In practice, the amount of calculation involved would be much too high. The method to solve this is simple : we first calculate the mode's contribution from the nearest mode to the furthest one, and we stop the calculation when the contribution becomes negligeable.
Remarks :
- To obtain the total pressure, the pressure due to the source direct field has to be added.
- this model can be used practically only at low frequencies.
This model allows to determine the spatial distribution of the pressure in a rectangular room, at any point and any frequency. Part 3 will show how the optimal position is determined.