* Example Schematics Netlist *
R_R2 $N_0002 $N_0001 0.001
V_V3 $N_0002 0 DC 0V AC 1v
R_R3 $N_0002 0 10meg
R_Rsim 0 $N_0003 10meg
G_Rvar2 $N_0001 0 LAPLACE { V($N_0001, 0) } {
+ 1/(k2*sqrt(S/(2*3.14159265))) }
+ 1/(k2*sqrt(S/(2*3.14159265))) }
R_R1 $N_0004 0 16000
G_Lvar $N_0003 0 LAPLACE { V($N_0003, 0) } {
+ 1/(S*1e-6*(k3-(k4*LOG(k5*(S/(2*3.14159265)))))) }
+ 1/(S*1e-6*(k3-(k4*LOG(k5*(S/(2*3.14159265)))))) }
G_Rvar1 $N_0001 $N_0003 LAPLACE { V($N_0001, $N_0003) } {
+ 1/(k1*sqrt(S/(2*3.14159265))) }
+ 1/(k1*sqrt(S/(2*3.14159265))) }
C_C $N_0001 $N_0004 .64pF
To view the specific effective simulation results
Include the following Macros in your Probe trace analysis to see frequency vs. inductance, impedance, phase angle (in degrees), and Q factor:
PI = 3.14159265
Z = V(R3:1)/I(R2)
ANG = (180/PI)*ARCTAN((IMG(V(R3:1)/I(R2)))/(R(V(R3:1)/I(R2))))
QFACT = ABS((IMG(V(R3:1)/I(R2)))/(R(V(R3:1)/I(R2))))