声学楼论坛技术交流区电声器件与系统设计软件应用及仿真室 → 求pspice模拟等效电路资料



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求pspice模拟等效电路资料  发帖心情 Post By:2007-3-21 10:10:56 [只看该作者]

水仙斑竹,能不能提供Leach的“Introduction to Electroacoustics and Audio Amplifier Design”这本书中有关spice模拟等效电路这部分资料呀!

  2楼 | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC

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  发帖心情 Post By:2007-3-21 14:09:58 [只看该作者]


OrCAD/Pspice 9实用教程

【作  者】贾新章等 [同作者作品]
【丛 书 名】 其他
【出 版 社】 西安电子科技大学出版社
【书 号】              7-5606-0792-6       
【页 码】350


本书在阐述电子CAD技术基本概念的基础上介绍OrCAD/PSpice 9软件的使用方法,可以同时起到教科书和用户手册的作用。书中从基本概念入手,根据电路设计任务分类介绍相关命令的使用,并结合具体实例说明主要命令的使用步骤和注意事项,对初学者难以理解的概念和容易发生的问题,尽量给予比较详细的说明。


第一章 概论
1.1 EDA技术和PSPICE软件
1.1.1 CAD和EDA
1.1.2 微机级电子线路EDA软件
1.1.3 EDA技术的优点
1.1.4 OrCAD/PSpice软件
1.2 ORCAD/PSpice软件的功能特点
1.2.1 PSpice AID支持的元器件类型
1.2.2 PSpice AID分析的电路特性
1.2.3 PSpice A/D的配套功能软件(模块)
1.2.4 PSpice AID、PSpice AID Basic和PSpice
1.2.5 OrCAD/PSpice AID 9版本的新特点
1.3 电路模拟过程
1.3.1 电路模拟的基本过程
1.3.2 运行要求
1.4 运行ORCAD/PSPICE AID 9的有关规定
1.4.1 PSpice AID中的数字
1.4.2 PSPice AID中的单位
1.4.3 PSpice A/D中的运算表达式和函数
1.4.4 电路图中的节点编号
<< 查看详细目录


随着计算机技术的迅速发展。计算机辅助设计(CAD:Computer Aided Design)技术已渗透到电路围生成、逻辑模拟、电路分析、优化设计、最坏情况分析、印制板设计等电子线路设计的各个领域。80年代末期以来,微机的迅速普及及可用于微机系统的电子CAD软件的相继推出,为CAD技术的进一步推广应用创造了良好的条件。CAD技术正逐渐成提高电子线路和系统设计的速度和质量的不可缺少的重要工具。现在完全可以说,离开CAD技术,很难圆满地完成一个电路和系统的设计任务。而这其中相当一部分设计任务是采用在微机系统上运行的CAD软件完成的。 针对这一情况,我们于1992年和1994年先后出版了《... << 查看前言

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  发帖心情 Post By:2007-3-21 14:15:58 [只看该作者]



<<电声技术 >>2001年08期


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  发帖心情 Post By:2007-3-22 17:31:19 [只看该作者]

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  发帖心情 Post By:2007-3-23 13:19:34 [只看该作者]


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  发帖心情 Post By:2007-3-23 19:36:57 [只看该作者]

我有一些何亞寧先生(spice)的文章, 但是超過100k要的人請留言,我會寄給各位


thanks and best regards

  10楼 | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC

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等级:新手上路 帖子:118 积分:1439 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2006-12-7 21:03:56
  发帖心情 Post By:2007-3-24 8:42:31 [只看该作者]

以下是引用benny0130在2007-03-23 19:36:57的发言:

我有一些何亞寧先生(spice)的文章, 但是超過100k要的人請留言,我會寄給各位


thanks and best regards


  11楼 | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC

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  发帖心情 Post By:2007-3-25 15:14:17 [只看该作者]

图片点击可在新窗口打开查看图片点击可在新窗口打开查看W. Marshall Leach, Jr., Professor
Georgia Institute of Technology
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0250
Telefax: 404 894 4641
Spring 2006 Picnic
Cool Sun Shades

Prospective Graduate Students

Please do not send me requests for admission to the ECE graduate program. I am not involved with applications for admissions. I receive so many of these requests from all around the world that my email program is trained to delete them along with the other average number of 1000 spam emails that I receive each 24 hour period.

  12楼 | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC

加好友 发短信 电声工程师
等级:版主 帖子:3520 积分:26241 威望:2 精华:19 注册:2006-2-13 13:44:44
  发帖心情 Post By:2007-3-25 18:04:16 [只看该作者]

Courses That I Teach

Courses That I Teach This Semester
ECE4435 Op Amp Design
ECE4445 Audio Engineering
Courses That I Teach Other Semesters
ECE3040 Microelectronic Circuits
ECE3050 Analog Electronics
ECE4391 Electromagnetic Compatibility
ECE6416 Low Noise Electronic Design

My Biosketch

You can read my "official" school biographical information here.

Selected Publications

You can see some of the papers that I have published in refereed journals here. The papers with links have been posted because of email requests that I have received.

Audio Related Things

Click here to see a collection of things related to audio amplifiers and speakers. Included are some articles and papers that I wrote and some loudspeaker projects that students built.

Evaluation Version of Aim Spice

The evaluation version of AIM Spice is a free version of SPICE that some say they like better than PSpice. The evaluation version lets you have 20 active devices (PSpice only allows 10) and 50 nodes in a circuit. The program makes better use of the graphics features of Windows. For example, you can copy plots to the clipboard as metafiles, whereas PSpice only lets you make bitmaps of plots (if you can figure out how to do it). With the graphics post processor, you can scale the plots with the mouse, control the labeling and gridlines, change the axis labels, etc., things that cannot be done with PSpice.

My Information Links

  • Linear Technology software page. You will love the version of SPICE they have for free. It appears to have no limits and has a graphical interface.
  • Greg's Download Page - A wealth of free software for electronics projects.
  • ECAD List - Another wealth of free software for electronics projects.
  • Herblock - Famed political cartoonist for the Washington Post from 1945 to 2001. Herblock chronicled a generation of American history in his cartoons that accurately reflected current events, warts and all. He died at the age of 91.
  • Dr. Leach's Filter Potpourri. This is a PDF document which might take several minutes to download. I recommend right clicking on the link and saving it to your hard disk.
  • The reverse Polish algorithm for Hewlett Packard calculators.
  • Atlanta Area Radio.
  • Acoustical Engineering at Georgia Tech. The acoustical engineering program was one of several College of Engineering multidisciplinary programs that were set up in the '70s. To my knowledge, none of these programs exist today.
  • Superposition of Dependent Sources is Valid in Circuit Analysis. This paper was originally submitted to the IEEE Trans. on Education in early 1994. It was rejected because the reviewer was of the opinion that the methods it described were not valid. A request to have it reviewed again by a competent reviewer went unanswered. It was then submitted to the IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems in 1995. The reviewers recommended several changes. The paper was revised and submitted a second time in 1996. The reviewers then recommended that it be submitted instead to the IEEE Trans. on Education. It was submitted again to that journal. The editor rejected the paper without the courtesy of having it peer reviewed. The paper has been published on the internet since late 1996.

  • Download a free copy of Scientific Notebook, one of the best and easiest to use techincal word processors that is good for 30 days.

My Weird Science Picks

Some science is weird and some science is not weird. I am entertained by weird science. You can see some of my picks here.

Some of My Nostalgic Pictures of Abbeville, SC

If you grew up in the city of Abbeville, SC during the time that I did, you might recognize some of the people in the pictures on this page.

Some Pictures from My Three Years in the US Air Force

I served as an officer in the Air Force at McClellan AFB in Sacramento, CA in '65 through '67. I worked in McClellan Central Laboratory (MCL) in the 1155th Technical Operations Squadron (1155th TOS). Our squadron was a member of the elite AFTAC organization, which has been described as one of the ten greatest secrets of the Cold War. You can see some pictures I made made here.

Other Links

If a frequency exhibits resonance, it can properly be called a resonant frequency. Can a frequency of resonance be called a resonant frequency? You can read what Harvard's famous acoustician F. V. Hunt had to say about this here. For a weird science definition of resonance, you can read Tom Bearden's definition here.

Making the Grade, by Georgia Tech Physics Professor Kurt Wiesenfeld. Kurt describes his frustrating experiences with students who assume they have the authority to assign their own grades. You can read a student's response here.

Physics 101 Exam. This is a final exam in a senior level physics course taught by Dr. Ronald Edge that I took when I was a student at the University of South Carolina. It was a three hour exam, closed notes and closed book. Each problem consists of two parts, one a derivation and the second a calculation. I would be interested in knowing if the quizzes students take today are as easy as this one.

Lionel's Reading Room. Need I say more?

"This Modern World" by Tom Tomorrow

TomPaine.common sense.

I worked with some great people during my three year tour in the Air Force in Sacramento at the 1155th Technical Operations Squadron, McClellan Air Force Base. I worked in the McClellan Central Laboratory. Some of the pictures of the people I worked with can be seen on this page.

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等级:版主 帖子:3520 积分:26241 威望:2 精华:19 注册:2006-2-13 13:44:44
  发帖心情 Post By:2007-3-25 18:05:04 [只看该作者]


  14楼 | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC

加好友 发短信 电声工程师
等级:版主 帖子:3520 积分:26241 威望:2 精华:19 注册:2006-2-13 13:44:44
  发帖心情 Post By:2007-3-25 18:07:12 [只看该作者]

有关 W. Marshall Leach, Jr 的学术文章

图片点击可在新窗口打开查看Controlled-source analogous circuits and SPICE models ... - Leach Jr - 被引用次数:25
Basic theory of probe-compensated near-field measurements - Paris - 被引用次数:33
Probe compensated near-field measurements on a cylinder - Leach Jr - 被引用次数:29


[5]W.Marshall Leach,Jr. Dr. Leach's Filter Potpourri. [4]Linkwitz,Siegfried H. A Three Enclosure Louderspeaker System with active ... [1]W.Marshall Leach, Jr. Introduction To Electroacoustics And Audio Amplifier Design second edition. ...
scholar.ilib.cn/abstract.aspx?A=diansjs200203011 - 类似网页


检测微弱光信号的PIN光电检测电路的设计[J].电测与仪表,1999年第4期,总第36卷,第400期. [3]W. Marshall Leach, Jr.Noise Measurement[M].Copyright 2000 CRC Press LLC. [1]孙国正,优化设计与应用[M].人民交通出版社,1992年12月第1版. ...
scholar.ilib.cn/Abstract.aspx?A=cgjsxb200503048 - 类似网页
[ scholar.ilib.cn站内的其它相关信息 ]


[1]W.Marshall Leach, Jr. Introduction To Electroacoustics And Audio Amplifier Design second edition. ... [5]W.Marshall Leach,Jr. Dr. Leach's Filter Potpourri. 收稿日期:2001年9月10日. 出版日期:2002年3月17日 ...
www.wanfangdata.com.cn/qikan/periodical.Articles/diansjs/dian2002/0203/020311.htm - 类似网页


[3]W Marshall Leach,Jr,Noise Measurement[M].Copyright 2000 CRC Press LLC. [4]Photodiode Monitorring with OP Amps[M].Application bulletin,Burr-Brown Corporation printed in U.S.A.January,1995. 收稿日期:2003年11月17日 ...
www.wanfangdata.com.cn/qikan/periodical.Articles/jgyhw/jgyh2004/0403/040317.htm - 类似网页
[ www.wanfangdata.com.cn站内的其它相关信息 ]

8阶高通扬声器系统的设计与SPICE计算机仿真何亚宁(香港科汇有限公司 ...

文件格式: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
I参考文献l 【1】W Marshall LeachJr.Introduction To Electroacous—tics And Audio Amplifier Design second edition.America:KENDALL/HUNT PUBLISHING COMPANY 1999.[2】何亚宁倒相式音箱的SPICE模型的建模与仿真.电声技术2001(8)15~22 ...
engine.cqvip.com/content/tn/92016x/2002/000/003/gc16_tn4_6365068.pdf - 类似网页

嗣一与一响四通用电容传声器动态特性模型的建立与SPICE仿真何亚宁(香港 ...

文件格式: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
参考文献【l】WMarshall leach Jr.Introduction To Electroacoustics and Audio Amplifier Design.second edition).America:KENDALL/HUNT PUBU SHING COMPANY.1999.【2】Vicente Cutanda Henrlquez.Numerical Transducer ModeliingDe.mark. ...
engine.cqvip.com/content/tn/92016x/2003/000/011/gc50_tn4_8696313.pdf - 类似网页
[ engine.cqvip.com站内的其它相关信息 ]


[59] W. Marshall Leach, Jr.“Electroacoustic System Realizations for the Linkwitz-Riley Crossover Networks” J. Audio Eng. Soc. , Vol. 35, pp. 792-800 (1987 october). [60] R. J. Kaufman “Simple Construction Projects - Build an Active ...
www.hifiroom.com/ckwx.htm - 36k - 网页快照 - 类似网页

Design and analysis of a basic class D amplifier

Marshall Leach Jr., W. (2001). Introduction to Electroacoustics and Audio Amplifier Design, Second Edition—Revised Printing. Kendall/Hunt. Oliveira, D.S., Jr., Bissochi, C.A., Vincenzi R.S., F., Vieira, J.B., Jr., Farias, V.J., ...
www.eetasia.com/ART_8800403692_499501_45d18f2d200601.HTM - 58k - 2007年3月23日 - 网页快照 - 类似网页
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-03-25 18:10:14编辑过]

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等级:版主 帖子:3520 积分:26241 威望:2 精华:19 注册:2006-2-13 13:44:44
  发帖心情 Post By:2007-3-26 10:05:21 [只看该作者]




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  发帖心情 Post By:2007-3-26 16:26:22 [只看该作者]


Loudspeaker Voice-Coil Inductance Losses:
Circuit Models, Parameter Estimation, and
Effect on Frequency Response

  17楼 | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC

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等级:业余侠客 帖子:51 积分:761 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2007-3-4 23:06:58
  发帖心情 Post By:2007-3-29 23:00:44 [只看该作者]

以下是引用benny0130在2007-03-23 19:36:57的发言:

我有一些何亞寧先生(spice)的文章, 但是超過100k要的人請留言,我會寄給各位


thanks and best regards


  18楼 | QQ | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC

加好友 发短信 电声从业人员
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  发帖心情 Post By:2008-6-23 12:56:16 [只看该作者]


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  发帖心情 Post By:2008-9-7 15:57:58 [只看该作者]


  20楼 | QQ | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC

加好友 发短信 电声从业人员
等级:超级版主 帖子:6546 积分:51201 威望:10 精华:39 注册:2005-10-28 8:32:06
  发帖心情 Post By:2008-9-23 10:21:28 [只看该作者]

以下是引用z_pf在2007-03-21 10:10:56的发言:
水仙斑竹,能不能提供Leach的“Introduction to Electroacoustics and Audio Amplifier Design”这本书中有关spice模拟等效电路这部分资料呀!


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