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主题:ALMA Asia 2008

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ALMA Asia 2008  发帖心情 Post By:2008-10-6 9:02:36 [只看该作者]

ALMA Asia 2008: Improving Output and Profitability – A Practical Guide

Hosted & Sponsored by Phase Design         phase design=


Date: October 18-19, 2008




NanHai Hotel

1, Gong Ye 1st Rd, Nanhai Blvd, Shekou, Shenzhen 518069, China.
Tel: 86-755-2669-2888 Fax: 86-755-2669-2440
Venue website
Getting there


Symposium Topic:


Improving Output and Profitability – A Practical Guide



Tabletop exhibition featuring suppliers of test and QC equipment, manufacturers, consultants, and system integrators. More Information

Day 1 Agenda:

Sat Oct 18, 2008

Keynote Presentations and Commercial Sessions

7:30 - 8:30 AM             Table Top Display Set-up
8:30 AM                        Table Top Display Open
8:45-9.00 AM Welcome to Meeting & ALMA Overview
9:00 - 9:15 AM   Keynote 1 
9:15 - 9:30 AM   Keynote 3  
9:30 - 10:00 AM   

Time to visit exhibitors / coffee

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Loudspeaker Design Trends - Mike Klasco
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM Time to visit exhibitors / coffee
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM Standards Update (Eric Chu)
12:00 - 1:30 PM Lunch / visit exhibits
1.30 - 1.55 PM  Commercial presentation / Exhibitor Demo #1
2.00 – 2.25 PM Commercial presentation / Exhibitor Demo #1
2:30 – 3.00 Time to visit exhibitors / coffee
3.00 – 3.25 PM

Commercial presentation / Exhibitor Demo #3              

3.30 – 3.55 PM 

Commercial presentation / Exhibitor Demo #4

4.00 – 4.30 PM  Time to visit exhibitors / coffee
4.30 – 5.30 PM  Panel Discussion. Are You Shipping Defective Loudspeakers to Your Customers (or
Are You Rejecting Good Loudspeakers)?  Moderator Steve Temme. Panelists TBD
6.00 Tabletop Display Closes



Day 2 Agenda:

Sun Oct 19, 2008



8:00 AM                        Table Top Display Open
8:00 - 9.25 AM Training session #1, part 1. End of line test results to process improvements -  Phil Bunch.
9.30 – 10.00 Time to visit exhibitors / coffee
10.00 – 11.55 AM

Training session #1 Part 2 End of line test results to process improvements -  Phil Bunch

12:00 - 1:30 PM Lunch
1.30 – 2.55 PM Training session #2 Part 1 Using Simple Tools to Design Small Speakers with High Output – Wolfgang Klippel
3.00 – 3.30 PM  Time to visit exhibitors / coffee
3.30 – 5.25 Training session #2 Part 2   Using Simple Tools to Design Small Speakers with High Output – Wolfgang Klippel
6.30 PM Tabletop Display Closes



Who should attend:

The Symposium will be of interest to:

  • Manufacturers in Asia who want quality training about modeling, measuring and manufacturing
  • Manufacturers in Asia who want to learn about the latest test equipment to ensure product quality
  • Manufacturers in Asia who want to meet integrators and facilitators who can assist them doing business with the US and Europe.
  • US purchasers wishing to meet quality-focused Asian suppliers of loudspeakers
  • Manufacturers in Asia who would like to network with US purchasers


Tabletop Exhibition - 2875 RMB / 440 USD

Attendee Oct 18 – 290 RMB / 45 USD (pre-registration) ; 380RMB (58 USD) at the door.

Attendee Oct 19 - (includes all training classes) – 520 RMB / 80 USD

Note that all credit cards will be charged in USD. All on-the-door payments must be in RMB.


Room Rates: TBD


Exhibitor and Attendee Reservation Form


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加好友 发短信 电声从业人员
等级:超级版主 帖子:6538 积分:51138 威望:10 精华:39 注册:2005-10-28 8:32:06
  发帖心情 Post By:2008-10-6 9:05:01 [只看该作者]

2009 Winter Symposium: Sound Quality in Loudspeaker Design and Manufacturing



Date: Jan 5-7, 2009 (the three days immediately prior to the CES Show)


Orleans Hotel and Resort, 4500 W. Tropicana Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89103
Tel: 1800 675 3267. http://www.orleanscasino.com.

Symposium Topic:

Sound Quality in Loudspeaker Design & Manufacturing

Training Classes:

Leading Psychoacoustics expert Dr. Floyd Toole will be presenting a full-day training class on psychoacoustics at the ALMA Winter Symposium on Mon Jan 5th. This course will be heavily based on his book entitled "Sound Reproduction: loudspeakers and rooms" due for publication later this year.

Chris Struck will be presenting a full-day class entitled "Electroacoustic Measurements" on Tues Jan 6th. This will be a two-part class and attendees may attend either the morning, the afternoon or the full day. More information and course schedules to follow shortly.

A half-day course on DSP for loudspeakers is planned for Tues Jan 6. Presenter and course outline TBD.



Technical Papers :

Four technical papers will be presented. We are now accepting proposals from interested presenters. Please see our call for papers for further details.

Tutorials :

As always, we will allow time in the schedule for tutorials. Anyone interested in presenting a tutorial should send and email to management@almainternational.org.

Round Table Discussions:

We have developed an exciting new format for our round table this year, based on feedback from those who have attended over the past couple of years. Watch this space for further details and the topic announcement.

Panel Discussion:

In keeping with our symposium title, our panel discussion title is “What loudspeaker specifications are relevant to perception?”

Moderator: Dr. Floyd Toole.  Panelists TBD.



Exhibit bookings are now being taken. More information. The exhibit hall will be open on Jan 6-7 only (not Jan 5)

Members' Dinner: To be announced shortly.

Who should attend:

The Winter Symposium is the loudspeaker industry’s largest networking event. With round-table discussions, technical presentations, suppliers of goods and services to the industry and an audience including technical, purchasing, sales, and marketing personnel, the show is an excellent networking opportunity for anyone working in, or supplying products to the loudspeaker industry. Read the review of last year’s show.

Full Schedule: Not yet available - watch this space for updates.
Cost: Exhibitors*:

Members: $520 before 8/31/2008, $650 before 10/31/2007 $780 after 10/31/2008
Non-members: $1070 before 8/31/2008, $1200 before 10/31/2008 $1330 after 10/31/2008 (non-members price includes annual membership fee)

Note that members must maintain a full membership at the time of the conference to qualify for the members rate.


Note that members must maintain a full membership at the time of the conference to qualify for the members rate.

Members: $160 before 11/15/2008; $195 after 11/15/2008.
Non-members:$260 before 11/15/2008; $295 after 11/15/2008.


  Exhibit Hall Only: $35 before 11/15/2008; $50 after 11/15/2008.


* exhibitor cost includes two exhibit hall only passes and the option to purchase one full pass at a discounted rate. Attendee price includes lunch both days in the exhibition hall.

Download exhibitor space application form. Don't delay - you must sign up before Aug 31, 2008 to get the  early bird booking discount. Booth selections will be allocated in the order that completed application forms are received, so send your form in today!


Attendee Registration Form: Not yet available - please check back soon.


International visitors: ALMA is happy to issue invitation letters to assist international visitors in obtaining visas. Please email us with the necessary information.


Room Reservations: Information available shortly..




Symposium Home Exhibiting Training Courses Technical Papers
Venue Last year's show Call for Tutorials  


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加好友 发短信 电声从业人员
等级:超级版主 帖子:6538 积分:51138 威望:10 精华:39 注册:2005-10-28 8:32:06
  发帖心情 Post By:2008-10-6 9:08:19 [只看该作者]

图片点击可在新窗口打开查看此主题相关图片如下:alma asia 2008 meeting agenda_chinese_revised_8_4 (1)_page_1.jpg

图片点击可在新窗口打开查看此主题相关图片如下:alma asia 2008 meeting agenda_chinese_revised_8_4 (1)_page_2.jpg

  4楼 | QQ | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC

加好友 发短信 电声从业人员
等级:超级版主 帖子:6538 积分:51138 威望:10 精华:39 注册:2005-10-28 8:32:06
  发帖心情 Post By:2008-10-6 9:11:17 [只看该作者]



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等级:新手上路 帖子:376 积分:2426 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2008-7-24 15:31:07
  发帖心情 Post By:2008-10-6 10:56:35 [只看该作者]


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等级:新手上路 帖子:3518 积分:31704 威望:5 精华:20 注册:2005-10-31 11:40:50
  发帖心情 Post By:2008-10-6 11:33:36 [只看该作者]

 Very good event!

  7楼 | QQ | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC

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等级:新手上路 帖子:376 积分:2426 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2008-7-24 15:31:07
  发帖心情 Post By:2008-10-6 12:33:13 [只看该作者]


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  发帖心情 Post By:2008-10-7 23:20:31 [只看该作者]


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  发帖心情 Post By:2008-10-7 23:25:41 [只看该作者]


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等级:新手上路 帖子:3518 积分:31704 威望:5 精华:20 注册:2005-10-31 11:40:50
  发帖心情 Post By:2008-10-7 23:40:37 [只看该作者]


Mike Klasco 先生是多次见过面的朋友,他是个理论和实际紧密接合的真才实学的电声专家,

德国的Wolfgang Klippel先生是有名的KLIPPEL测试系统的老板,其实是个大教授,在AES会刊上的文章

美国的Steve Temme先生是ALMA的领导班子里的一员吧,

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-10-08 00:12:12编辑过]

  11楼 | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC

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等级:新手上路 帖子:3518 积分:31704 威望:5 精华:20 注册:2005-10-31 11:40:50
  发帖心情 Post By:2008-10-7 23:50:46 [只看该作者]

另一位主讲人Phil Bunch 先生是哪位呢?


ALMA Announces New President and Vice Presidents


ALMA elected new officers within its Board of Directors at the ALMA Symposium in Las Vegas. Stu Lumsden, VP of Engineering at Polk Audio was elected President. He has served on the board for several years, most recently as Vice President.

As part of ALMA’s drive to become more international, three vice presidents were appointed, one for each major loudspeaker-producing region of the world. Bart Young of Acoustic Design Inc will represent North and South America, US, Wolfgang Klippel of Klippel GmbH will represent Europe and Phil Bunch of Phase Design will represent Asia. This international diversity will ensure that the interests and needs of each continent are well understood by the board, enabling ALMA to continue to be recognized as the leading worldwide authority and networking community for the loudspeaker industry. It will also facilitate ALMA’s international recruitment drive – an important 2006 marketing activity.


Stu Lumsden, Polk Audio – President
Stu Lumsden joined Polk Audio in January of 1977 as the 23rd employee and has continued there for his entire 30 year career in the loudspeaker industry. During that time he has worked in virtually every area of loudspeaker manufacturing and design. His primary focus over that past 20 years has been in the design & development of new transducers and loudspeaker systems. Stu is currently the VP of Engineering at Polk Audio. He holds a masters degree in computer science from the Johns Hopkins University in his native Baltimore and studied undergraduate communications and physics at Towson University. Stu has been an active member of the AES, ALMA and the Product Development Management Association. He has served as VP for ALMA for the past two years.


Bart Young, Acoustic Design, Inc – Vice President, North and South America
Bart Young is second generation leadership for Acoustic Design, Inc (ADI) and its family of companies. ADI provides support to manufacturers and OEMs in the loudspeaker and related fields.  ADI has grown from a single facility manufacturer's representative into a complete source for electro-mechanical device manufacturing with facilities in Asia and the United States. Mr. Young has been active in ALMA for more than 10 years and continues to promote the organization and its benefits worldwide. ADI and its companies provide goods and services to almost every level of loudspeaker manufacturer worldwide and supplies specialized manufacturing equipment for magnetic charging to the industry.


Wolfgang Klippel, Klippel GmbH – Vice President, Europe
Wolfgang Klippel founded Klippel GmbH in 1997 to produce novel control and measurement systems for loudspeakers and other transducers. Prior to that he worked at a loudspeaker company in Leipzig where he was engaged in the research of transducer modeling, acoustic measurement and psychoacoustics, and also worked at the Audio Research Group in Waterloo, Canada and Harman International in Northridge, CA before moving back to his native Germany in 1995 to become a consulting engineer. He holds a doctor-engineering degree in technical acoustics and he studied electrical engineering at the University of Technology in Dresden where he graduated in Speech recognition.  Wolfgang has been on the ALMA board for the past year and has assisted in organizing member-drives at recent AES shows in the US and Europe.


Phil Bunch, Phase Design – Vice President, Asia
Phil Bunch is the founder of Phase design, a Shenzhen, China based company providing engineering, design and QA services to the audio industry. Phase Design also manufactures precision assembly equipment and systems for manufacturing drivers, tweeters and full assemblies. He founded the company 4 years ago after holding the position of operations director for Eastern Asia Industries and Engineering manager for Esoteric Group.  Phil’s wife, Nancy, is also a big part of Phase Design. She holds several high level certificates for Chinese—English translation and is well known in the industry here in Asia. Phase Design provided translation services to the 2004 and 2005 ALMA symposium in China and will be active in the 2006 symposium in China.


[此贴子已经被作者于2008-10-07 23:53:17编辑过]

  12楼 | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC

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  发帖心情 Post By:2008-10-7 23:55:15 [只看该作者]

以下是引用圣灵在2008-10-06 10:56:35的发言:


  13楼 | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC

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  发帖心情 Post By:2008-10-7 23:58:14 [只看该作者]

以下是引用圣灵在2008-10-06 12:33:13的发言:


  14楼 | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC

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  发帖心情 Post By:2008-10-7 23:58:49 [只看该作者]

以下是引用圣灵在2008-10-06 12:33:13的发言:


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  发帖心情 Post By:2008-10-8 0:04:34 [只看该作者]




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  发帖心情 Post By:2008-10-8 0:18:07 [只看该作者]



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加好友 发短信 野兔帮-书记
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  发帖心情 Post By:2008-10-8 10:27:39 [只看该作者]




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加好友 发短信 野兔帮-书记
等级:版主 帖子:1149 积分:10316 威望:2 精华:10 注册:2005-10-31 9:38:55
  发帖心情 Post By:2008-10-8 10:30:25 [只看该作者]

以下是引用一个老兵在2008-10-08 00:18:07的发言:



  19楼 | QQ | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC

加好友 发短信 电声从业人员
等级:超级版主 帖子:6538 积分:51138 威望:10 精华:39 注册:2005-10-28 8:32:06
  发帖心情 Post By:2008-10-8 11:44:30 [只看该作者]


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等级:侠之大者 帖子:215 积分:1672 威望:0 精华:1 注册:2008-3-24 10:27:45
  发帖心情 Post By:2008-10-8 20:37:02 [只看该作者]


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