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主题:Harman Kardon 的历史与现状

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等级:超级版主 帖子:6538 积分:51138 威望:10 精华:39 注册:2005-10-28 8:32:06
Harman Kardon 的历史与现状  发帖心情 Post By:2011-12-28 16:07:04 [只看该作者]

Harman Kardon 的历史

Harman Kardon 的历史可以说是其创始人 Sidney Harman 的成长史。

Harman 于 1918 年出生在加拿大蒙特利尔,后在美国纽约市长大。从早年起,Harman 便展现出了商业经营方面的才华。十几岁时,他一面收集最近发行的杂志,一面说服当地零售商以每份 5 美分的价格销售这些已经过期但仍然备受关注的出版物,并一起分享所得的收益。在他的回忆录《Mind Your Own Business》(管好你自己的事)中,Harman 这样写道:“这个小买卖收益不错,它让我在高中生活宽裕,大学时的书费也是靠它赚来的。”

除了经商头脑外,Harman 还在一个方面极具天赋:科学研究。他在纽约市立学院攻读物理专业。1939 年毕业后,Harman 进入 David Bogen 公司的工程部,这是一家生产公共广播音响系统的公司。他和他的上司,总工程师 Bernard Kardon,很快成了好朋友。

不久,Harman 从工程部调至销售部,并发现自己喜欢上了这份工作。担任销售期间,Harman 意识到关注客户的重要性。他在《管好你自己的事》中这样写道:“直至半个多世纪后的今天,我还敢说没有哪一件富含价值、经久不衰的产品是在办公室或工程部依靠冥思苦想而设计出来的。我知道任何东西都无法取代一线信息,无法取代听取客户的意见,也取法取代鉴别和满足客户的真正需求。”

Harman 以创新的方式来满足客户需求。在 20 世纪 50 年代早期,Harman 和 Kardon 希望 Bogen 让他们简化公司公共广播系统的控制装置。此外,他们还在自己家里对 Bogen 扬声器进行了定制并用改进的扬声器播放了一些唱片,在注意到客人们非常喜欢这款产品的音质后,Harman 和 Kardon 希望 Bogen 也向公众生产类似的设备。Bogen 虽然很不情愿,但最终还是接受了 Harman 和 Kardon 的建议。

后来,Harman 升为 Bogen 的总经理,但他并不满足于此。Harman 反对 Bogen 守旧的管理模式,而且不赞同老 Bogen 要将公司留给儿子和女婿的打算。Harman 意识到,他永远无法按照自己的意愿来经营这家公司。

1953 年,Harman 带着 Kardon 一起辞职了。

Harman Kardon 的诞生

俩人各投入 5,000 美元成立了一家新公司,取名 Harman Kardon,他们就在家里生产高保真音乐播放器。

首款名为 Festival D1000 的接收器获得了巨大成功,它将各种元件都放置在一个迷人的外壳中,从外表看更像是时髦的家具而非复杂的电子产品。广大青年音乐迷对它尤为青睐。Harman 在他的自传中这样回忆到:“大学校园是培养一代代音乐迷的温床,而我们的设备则是学生们在宿舍中收听音乐的最佳选择。”

到了 1956 年,Harman 和 Kardon 最初投入的 10,000 美元已升值到 600,000 美元,此时 Kardon 希望退休以安享晚年。Harman 买下了 Kardon 持有的所有股份并继续经营。

两年后,Harman Kardon 生产出世界上第一款立体声接收器 Festival TA230。该接收器为听众带来了全新的音乐体验:高清晰的声音似乎从四面八方涌来,而不只限于正前方。这一特色使它最终普及到广大听众,当然也受到了广大听众的喜爱。


Harman Kardon 继续研发大众喜爱的产品。例如,从 20 世纪 50 年代末起,Harman Kardon 的 Citation 系列扩音器和其他零部件开始包括消费音响领域中一些最尖端的设备(如今,这些 Citation 扩音器已成为音乐发烧友收藏的对象)。

在 20 世纪 60 年代早期之前,Harman 一直春风得意。1962 年,他信心十足地将 Harman Kardon 与一家有线电视公司 Jerrold Corporation 进行了合并。很快,他的生活不再愉快了。

Harman 认为 Jerrold 的总经理 Milton Shapp 过多地干涉了自己的工作。在经过一系列争论后,Shapp 买断了 Harman 的公司股份。当时 Harman 虽然有了一大笔钱,但他与自己一手建立起来的公司脱离了关系,这个一直精力十足的进取家突然发现自己无所事事起来。

Harman 可能低落过,却从未出局。他将卖出股份得来的部分资金投向一家名为 Jervis Corporation 的小型集团公司。随后,他接管了这家公司,并利用它的资金实力将 Harman Kardon 重新买了回来。此外,他还收购了其他几家音响公司,比如著名的 JBL,最终将整个公司集团更名为 Harman International Industries, Incorporated。

同时,Harman Kardon 继续致力于开发全新的技术。20 世纪 60 年代末,该公司开始和 Dolby Laboratories 进行合作。后者是一家年轻的高科技公司,在降低音响噪音方面有着全新的创意。从此,Dolby 设备就成了 Harman Kardon 产品的一大特色。

到了 70 年代,Harman Kardon 变得更加强大,利润不断增加。Harman 将 Harman Kardon 和他的其他公司的成功归功于一种全新的管理模式。正如 Harman 在 1988 年向《Music Trades》(音乐行业)杂志介绍的那样,他鼓励管理人员不要沿袭其他公司只会下达指令的做法,而应当“尊重工作人员,并将他们当作尚未开发的资源一样看待”。例如,他认为生产扩音器和扬声器的工人能够为改进制造工艺提供一些明智而实用的策略。

事实证明,Harman 的这种管理模式十分有效。到了 70 年代中期,Harman Kardon 已成为美国消费音响领域的龙头企业。


1976 年,Sidney Harman 支持的总统候选人 Jimmy Carter 胜出,成为美国总统。Carter 还邀请 Harman 加入他的管理团队,担任商务部副部长。

为了进驻政府部门,Harman 不得不放弃其他工作以及可能成为利益冲突的公司股权。于是,他第二次卖掉了自己的公司,售价约 1 亿美元。买方是 Beatrice Foods,这是一家大型集团公司,除食品外,还经营着许多其他产品。

Beatrice 的管理层似乎不懂得如何经营音响企业。看到自己苦心经营的公司日益衰败,Sidney Harman 心中十分沉痛。到 1980 年,Harman International 已经失去大约 40% 的资产。

Carter 政府落幕后,Sidney Harman 离开政府部门并决心赎回自己原来的公司。于是,他出价 5,500 万美元,将 Harman International 从 Beatrice 手中重新买了回来。

但是,他并没有立即得到 Harman Kardon。因为 Beatrice 已经在 20 世纪 70 年代末将它卖给了一家日本公司。

Harman 又花了五年时间才将 Harman Kardon 转到 Harman International 名下。最后,在 1985 年,他终于买回 Harman Kardon,将这一旗舰企业再一次掌握在自己手中。


Harman Kardon 回归并没有让该公司一夜成功。20 世纪 90 年代,Harman Kardon 的经营陷入困境。公司的产品依然十分卓越,但已不能在新技术上保持领先地位。高保真、立体声已成为过去,现在已经是 CD、MP3、DAT 等技术的时代。

对此,Harman 与公司的管理层和工程师采取了果断的措施。例如,Harman Kardon 在 1999 年推出了 CDR 2,这是世界上首款四倍速 CD 音频刻录机,它能让音乐迷们在不损失音质的前提下存储更多的声音和歌曲。同年,该公司又生成出 SoundSticks? 计算机扬声器,它将高科技和雕塑完美地融为一体,纽约的现代艺术博物馆已将其纳入他们收藏的设计专辑中。2000 年,Harman Kardon 与 Microsoft 合作开发一种高科技计算机遥控器。第二年,Harman Kardon 的专利产品 EzSet? 遥控器问世了,这是另外一款先进的遥控器,多声道音响系统的主人可通过它自动校准扬声器,并欣赏到卓越的环绕声。

更多的发明接二连三地出现。到 2003 年公司成立 50 周年时,Harman Kardon 再次变得强大了。


Sidney Harman 继续经营着 Harman Kardon 和他的其他公司。然而,他意识到自己不可能永远工作下去。2007 年 5 月,在他的 88 岁生日即将到来之际,Harman 聘任 Dinesh Paliwal 为 Harman International 的首席执行官。

Paliwal 是一位工程师,拥有印度理工学院和俄亥俄州迈阿密大学颁发的学位。加盟 Harman International 之前,他是全球电力和自动化技术的领跑者 ABB Ltd. 的总裁。大约一年后,Paliwal 接任 Harman 成为公司的董事长。

Harman Kardon 的工程师、主管人员和其他员工都饶有兴趣地关注着这些变化,但这些变化从未改变他们一直以来的关注点 - 生产卓越的音响产品。例如,在 2007 年,建筑设计博物馆芝加哥雅典娜神殿把 Good Design?(优秀设计)这一殊荣颁发给 Harman Kardon 的 DMC 100 数字媒体中心。2008 年,颇负盛名的《Electronic House》(电子之家)杂志将年度最佳产品奖授予了 Harman Kardon 的 AVR 354 音频/视频接收器。

Harman Kardon 的未来会怎样呢?大体会和现在一样吧。如果大家觉得这种说法过于平庸,我们可以改变一下看法:在 Harman Kardon,“大体会和现在一样”意味着更多创新、更关注客户的需求以及打造更绝妙的音效。这正是 Sidney Harman 创立公司时所遵循的原则,也是引导公司发展到现在的法宝。

[此贴子已经被作者于2011-12-30 17:04:25编辑过]

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加好友 发短信 电声从业人员
等级:超级版主 帖子:6538 积分:51138 威望:10 精华:39 注册:2005-10-28 8:32:06
  发帖心情 Post By:2011-12-28 16:08:20 [只看该作者]

Harman Kardon 概述

Harman Kardon 品牌旨在为广大乐迷提供最简便易用的一流音响设备。20 世纪 50 年代,公司创始人 Sidney Harman 和 Bernard Kardon 通过将调谐器和放大器集成在一个部件中,发明了任何人(而不仅仅是深谙技术的音乐发烧友)都能够使用的接收器。

进入 21 世纪后,Harman Kardon 又设计出完全以颜色编码的 A/V 接收器后面板接口,率先简化了音频/视频的设置工作。从公司创立到现在,Harman Kardon 一直在引领着音响行业的发展,从立体声到盒式磁带录音座,再到能够自动校准家庭影院音响系统的遥控器,无一不是划时代的杰作。无论您将音响系统用于何种用途,Harman Kardon 都希望为您生产出既简便易用、又能带来绝妙音效的设备。

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加好友 发短信 电声从业人员
等级:超级版主 帖子:6538 积分:51138 威望:10 精华:39 注册:2005-10-28 8:32:06
  发帖心情 Post By:2011-12-28 16:11:19 [只看该作者]


JBL's founder helped motion pictures speak. From then on, we've been continuously advancing the science of high-fidelity sound reproduction, right on up to and including Synthesis Ultra. As the Jazz Singer put it back in 1928, "You ain't heard nothin' yet."

  • 1943  Flat-wire milling and high-speed winding of ribbon-wire voice coils developed.
  • 1944  Lansing and Hilliard redefine the state of the art for motion picture theaters with the A-4, dubbed the "Voice of the Theatre."
  • 1946  James B. Lansing Sound, Inc. is formed.
  • 1947  JBL produces the D-130 15" loudspeaker, which was the first known use of a 4" flat-wire coil in a cone transducer.
  • 1954  JBL introduces the model 375 high-frequency compression driver. This is the first commercially available 4" diaphragm driver, producing flat response to 9kHz.
  • 1958  The cylindrical reflecting principle is present in the Paragon stereophonic loudspeaker system.
  • 1962  JBL produces the first two-way studio monitor to use a high-frequency compression driver with acoustic lens.
  • 1969  Harman International acquires JBL from William Thomas, and JBL embarks on a period of accelerated international growth through the Harman distribution companies.
  • 1973  JBL unveils the first four-way studio monitor series, the 4300s.
  • 1976  JBL monitors are ranked number one in the U.S. recording industry, in a survey conducted by Billboard.
  • 1982  Titanium is first used as a diaphragm material in compression drivers. JBL 4675 direct-radiator systems, with constant directivity, set the performance standard for cinema loudspeakers.
  • 1983  JBL is selected by Lucasfilm to develop the first commercial THX?-licensed cinema speaker system.
  • 1984  The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences selects JBL components for the new sound system in the Samuel Goldwyn Theater.
  • 1985  Harman International continues to take JBL's growth to greater heights and new markets.
  • 1989  The Directors Guild of America chooses JBL components for its headquarters building.
  • 1990  JBL develops Vented Gap Cooling? for raising the thermal power limits of low-frequency transducers.
  • 1991  JBL introduces the first Pro Audio neodymium woofer, debuting in the JBL Array Series.
  • 1992  JBL Synthesis? is released - the industry's first completely equalized, processed, powered THX Home Media System.
  • 1993  JBL develops new "rapid flare" low-distortion compression drivers and a matching family of horns.
  • 1994  The JBL S2600 receives the highly coveted Golden Award and Stereo Sound COTY Award for its advanced technological execution and superior sonic performance.
  • 1996  JBL's Synthesis SDEC-1000 brings digital technology to its highest level for the benefit of the consumer.
  • 2001  JBL releases the K2 S9800, employing the 435Be and 045Be pure-cast beryllium compression drivers.
  • 2002  The JBL Synthesis S4A is the world's first THX Ultra2? in-wall, flush-mount, multipole loudspeaker.
  • 2004  S4A is awarded the International CES Innovations Award.
  • 2005  JBL's Bernard Werner and William Gelow receive a Grammy Technical Achievement Award for "the engineering and design of filtered line arrays and screen spreading compensation as applied to motion picture speaker systems" as employed in JBL ScreenArray ? cinema loudspeaker.
  • 2007  CES Best of Innovations Award: JBL Project Everest DD66000 Loudspeaker
  • 2008  CES Innovations Award Honoree: JBL SDEC-4000 Digital Equalizer
  • 2009  JBL Synthesis? One Multichannel Audio System is inducted into the CEDIA Product Hall of Fame. The JBL Synthesis? One was the world’s first complete, integrated multi-channel audio system designed specifically for custom installation home theater, and was the first system that enabled custom calibration to deliver optimum performance in any room.

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加好友 发短信 电声从业人员
等级:超级版主 帖子:6538 积分:51138 威望:10 精华:39 注册:2005-10-28 8:32:06
  发帖心情 Post By:2011-12-28 16:22:30 [只看该作者]

JBL 的历史

JBL 公司的名称源自其创始人 James Bullough Lansing 的首字母缩写 J.B.L.。这位可能患有躁狂抑郁症的痴迷天才几乎创造了他所能想像出的一切,甚至包括他自己的名字。

Lansing 于 1902 年 1 月 14 日出生在美国伊利诺斯州马库平县,取名 James Martini,父母分别为 Henry Martini 和 Grace Erbs Martini。马库平县位于圣路易斯北部,是农业和矿业之乡,Henry Martini 就是一名采矿工程师。

Martini 一家共 14 个子女,James 排行第九,与父亲的性格极为相似。工程和机械令年少的 James 大为着迷。据说他在 12 岁左右时便制成了一个小型发射器,其信号强度足以干扰当地的广播电台。

James 在伊利诺斯州的斯普林菲尔德读完了初中和高中,后来在当地的一所小型商业学院就读,但从未获得正式的工程学位。成年后不久,他便根据自己在十八九岁时了解到的一个家族为自己增加了中间名 Bullough,又将自己的姓氏更改为 Lansing,其原因已经不得而知。

20 世纪 20 年代早期,他成了一名汽车修理工。1924 年末,Lansing 的母亲去世,之后他便搬到了盐湖城。对于这位身怀抱负又有冲劲的年轻人而言,这个城市显然充满了机会,由于他懂得并喜爱电力机械,很快就在当地的一家广播电台当上了工程师。

但是,Lansing 并不满足于此。来到盐湖城不久,他就成立了 Lansing 制造公司,生产收音机的扬声器。没多久,Lansing 又聘用了一位名叫 Ken Decker 的企业家来运营企业的财务和营销事宜,从而可以使自己专注于技术领域。

然而,当时美国西南部的电子制造中心并不是盐湖城,而是洛杉矶。Lansing 于是在 1927 年初将公司迁到了洛杉矶。


Lansing 正好赶上了一个机会。1927 年 10 月 6 日,华纳兄弟电影公司上映了第一部有声电影《The Jazz Singer》(爵士歌手)。这部电影轰动一时,突然间,好莱坞的所有制片厂都要求在摄制阶段以及他们拥有的电影院网络中配备音响设备。

遗憾的是,刚刚起步的有声电影技术十分简陋。对米高梅电影公司 (MGM) 的首席音响师 Douglas Shearer 而言,该技术更是弱不经风,难堪大任。MGM 是好莱坞规模最大且最负盛名的制片厂,专门摄制各种音乐剧以及其他需要大量声音重现的电影。

经过专业人士介绍,Shearer 了解到 James Lansing 是改善电影音效的最佳人选。从 1933 年到 1935 年,Shearer 与 Lansing 合作开发了一款角状扬声器系统,用以改善电影院的音效。这款由 Shearer 和 Lansing 合作开发的系统性能十分出众,1936 年,美国电影艺术与科学学院为其颁发了技术卓越奖。


Lansing 制造公司一直都在迅猛发展,直至 Ken Decker 坠机身亡。Decker 是美国陆军航空部队的一名预备军官,在 1939 年的空中行动中不幸丧生。

由于失去了 Decker 这样一位经商天才的辅佐,Lansing 制造公司步履蹒跚。到了 1941 年,创始人 Lansing 只有通过变卖公司才能使其继续经营下去。

Altec Service Corporation 是一家为电影院音响系统提供维护与维修的公司,当时正需要一个零件来源,于是在 1941 年 12 月买下了 Lansing 制造公司,披露的售价为 50,000 美元(约合 2009 年的 730,000 美元)。

Altec 出手相救

新的公司更名为 Altec Lansing Corporation,James Lansing 担任工程部副总裁,因而可以腾出手来开发新的技术。Lansing 和他的工程部团队研制出了一系列产品,包括 A-4 扬声器系统,该系统后来成为了电影院的标配。

但是,Lansing 已习惯于按照自己的方式经营企业,由此与 Altec Lansing 的管理层产生了冲突。他的合约期限为五年,合同到期后,他便离开了这家公司。

1946 年 10 月 1 日,Lansing 成立了 Lansing Sound, Incorporated。Altec Lansing 对此颇为不满,该公司认为 Lansing 一词明显侵犯了 Altec Lansing 对该词的权利。不久,LSI 将其创始人的名字放到了新的标识之内,公司最终更名为 James B. Lansing Sound, Incorporated。

J.B.L. 与 JBL

不久以后,Lansing 开始为电影院研制扬声器。他的第一批零部件完全是根据他在 Altec Lansing 的研究成果照抄而来,甚至连型号名称都没有变。

Lansing 是一位杰出的工程师,在设计和材料创新方面独具慧眼,但企业经营能力却十分欠缺。他的公司不断亏损,到 1949 年末,累计负债已达到大约 20,000 美元(约合 2009 年的 180,000 美元)。

在接连几次经济萧条的冲击下,Lansing 目睹自己钟爱的事业不断衰败,心中彻底绝望,这位 JBL 创始人于是在 1949 年 9 月 24 日选择了自杀。

J.B.L. 去逝后的 JBL

自杀之前,Lansing 曾购买了一份价值 10,000 美元的人寿保险,其中三分之一留给了妻子,剩余的三分之二留给了公司。公司财务主管利用这笔资金(约合 2009 年的 60,000 美元)逐渐使公司还清了负债。20 世纪 50 年代初,Thomas 买下了 Lansing 夫人继承的公司股份,成为公司唯一的所有者。

Thomas 深知自己拥有一项巨大的资产,那就是 James Lansing 的名声。尽管 Lansing 饱受债务之苦,但他在研制一流音响电子设备方面仍然具有很高的威望。Thomas 推出了带有 James Lansing 签名的扬声器系列,旨在打造卓越的设计和制造品牌。

但是,单靠一个系列的扬声器并不足以使公司维持运营,何况 Altec Lansing 又发表声明,反对 Thomas 使用 Lansing 这一宝贵的名称。经过长时间协商,Thomas 最终同意不再使用该字眼。此后,James B. Lansing Sound, Incorporated 便将自己和自己产品称为 JBL。


Thomas 努力让自己的公司与时俱进。在电影院增设立体声后,Thomas 与电影院音响制造商 Ampex 和 Westrex 签订合约,由 JBL 为其设计新的零部件。

20 世纪 50 年代初诞生了高质量的消费类音响设备。美语词汇中开始出现“hi-fi”(高保真)一词,一些流行的杂志也开始设立有关新电唱机的照片专栏。为了开发这个新的市场,Thomas 聘用了工业设计师 William Hartsfield,他研制出一款扬声器,自然取名为 Hartsfield。这款扬声器大获成功,JBL 一跃成为家庭音响领域的重量级选手。

1957 年,工程师 Richard Ranger 与设计师 Arnold Wolf 共同研制了引人瞩目的音响系统 Paragon。Paragon 被置于一个优雅的实木柜内,不仅是一款上乘的电唱机,还是一种时尚的客厅家具,颇受消费者青睐。Paragon 连续畅销 25 年之久,足以证明大众对它的喜爱程度。

随着公司在家用扬声器和其他零部件领域的实力不断增强,JBL 又将触角延伸到现在所谓的专业音响领域。20 世纪 50 年代,电吉他的先驱 Leo Fender 宣称 JBL 的 D130 扬声器是自己创作的理想之选。于是,世界各地的吉他手纷纷为自己的吉他插上 D130 扬声器。

几年之后,也就是 20 世纪 60 年代初,JBL 开始与 Capitol Records(甲壳虫与海滩男孩乐队的发源地)合作为录音室开发监听器。研制出的 4320 系统非常成功,时至今日,JBL 的专业音响部门仍在为世界各地的录音室开发零部件。

在这些成功的推动下,William Thomas 在 20 世纪 60 年代末正式成立了 JBL 专业音响部,作为公司的一个独立部门进行运营。消费类音响部继续存在,简称 JBL。

JBL 与 Harman 携手

Sidney Harman 是音响公司 Harman Kardon 的创始人(另一位创始人是 Bernard Kardon)。该公司与 JBL 一样富有创新精神;比如,Harman Kardon 曾经研制出第一台立体声收音机。

不过,Harman 希望在音响领域中变得更加强大。经过多年的积累,Harman Kardon 已经具备很强的经济实力,这使 Harman 得以收购纽约的小型集团公司 Jervis Corporation。Jervis 为 JBL 进行了出价。

经过 20 年的打造,JBL 已成为音响领域最成功的公司之一,William Thomas 也愿意将手中的 JBL 售出。这项交易于 1969 年完成。现在,JBL 属于 Jervis,后者最终更名为 Harman International Industries, Incorporated。Paragon(以及 JBL 徽标)的设计者 Arnold Wolf 则担任 JBL 的总裁。


在 Harman 的领导下,JBL 逐渐具备现在的雏形:一家将电影院和录音室音响系统领域的专业技术应用于家用音响领域的音响制造商。1969 年,该公司将其 4310 和 4311 型监听器(颇受录音室欢迎)的技术运用在家用系统的 L100 扬声器上。L100 大获成功,其在 70 年代的销售量达到 100,000 多套。

除了利用现有的技术外,JBL 还在 20 世纪 70 年代和 80 年代再次进行了一系列创新。例如,在 20 世纪 70 年代中期,JBL 的工程师研制出了 Symmetrical Field Geometry?,这是一种可减轻音波扭曲的扬声器装置。几年之后,该公司的工程师们又开发出了 Bi-Radial? 号角技术,可改善多种频率的音效。

与此同时,Harman International 构建的全球网络又帮助 JBL 获得了那些此前可能根本不会购买 JBL 产品的客户。该公司在日本的扩展势头尤为强劲。例如,自 20 世纪 80 年代起,像久负盛名的 K2 以及功能强大的室内主导产品 Everest DD6600 等超高端扬声器在日本音响杂志中备受推崇,并在日本商店创下了良好的销售业绩。

JBL 的现状与未来

几十年来,Sidney Harman 一直在引领 Harman International Industries 的发展。2007 年 5 月,在他的 88 岁生日即将到来之际,Harman 聘任 Dinesh Paliwal 为 Harman International 的首席执行官。

Paliwal 是一位工程师,拥有印度理工学院和俄亥俄州迈阿密大学颁发的学位。加盟 Harman International 之前,他是全球电力和自动化技术的领跑者 ABB Ltd. 的总裁。大约一年后,Paliwal 接任 Sidney Harman 成为公司的董事长。

JBL 的工程师、主管人员和其他员工都饶有兴趣地关注着这些变化,但这些变化从未改变他们一直以来的关注点 - 生产卓越的音响产品。通过与运动装制造公司 Roxy 合作生产一款彩色耳机,JBL 开创了新的时尚趋势。一直以来,JBL 都在为全新的娱乐产品设计扬声器和播放器,例如高清晰度电视、Blu-ray Disc? 技术以及 Apple 最新的 iPod 和 iPhone 款型。不仅如此,JBL 还一直关注着其他各种新的机会。

这些机会具体是指什么呢?在这里我们不便透露(这毕竟是公司的机密信息),但我们可以明确一点:长久以来,JBL 就以其优质工艺和技术创新闻名于世,广大员工继承了这一传统,我们十分确信,James Lansing 将为我们感到骄傲和自豪。

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  发帖心情 Post By:2011-12-28 16:25:50 [只看该作者]

JBL 概述

JBL 在为音乐厅及其他公共场所生产扬声器和相关设备方面拥有几十年的丰富经验,如今它正利用这些经验为全世界的消费者制造音响设备。

Eric Clapton 的摇滚音乐会、Conan O’Brien 的《今夜秀》(Tonight Show) 节目、澳大利亚的情人港、2008 年的奥林匹克运动会、2009 年美国总统的就任仪式,乃至全世界每一个家庭的客厅,所有这些地点、人物和活动都体验到了 JBL 设备带来的完美音效。

JBL 的专业音响部门致力于为各种场所研制举世瞩目的扬声器和其他音响零部件。

JBL 的消费音响部门则采用相同的技术、材料和制造工艺生产桌面扬声器、户外扬声器、家庭影院系统、头戴式耳机以及 iPod 和 iPhone 底座等产品。

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  发帖心情 Post By:2011-12-28 16:27:20 [只看该作者]

About AKG <!-- indexer::continue --><!-- indexer::stop --> <!-- indexer::continue -->
Over AKG

About AKG

In the world of pro audio, AKG microphones and headsets have been synonymous with excellence for several decades.

Around the world recording studios, radio and TV stations, opera houses and famous stages count on AKG products. Internationally known musicians and show-stars have frequently been seen using our high-quality microphones and headphones for many decades. Today AKG is one of the leading manufacturers of high-quality microphones, headphones and wireless-equipment. 

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  发帖心情 Post By:2011-12-28 16:28:24 [只看该作者]


AKG, founded in Vienna by Dr. Rudolf Goerike and Ernst Pless, soon became one of the biggest players in the world of sound. Today AKG is synonymous with good sound, stands for passion in music providing the highest quality and ongoing innovation in the world of music. The company was founded in 1947 and within months, the first AKG microphones were being used in radio stations, theatres and Jazz-Clubs. The products (the AKG DYN Series) were at that time manufactured by hand by five workers.

In 1949, the first AKG headphones came on the market. Then, in the early fifties AKG made a breakthrough with several new products: Totally new technologies like the world’s first high quality condenser microphone, the D 12 with its cardioid characteristics, the world’s first remote-controlled multi-pattern capacitor microphone, the C 12 and the D 36 made acoustic history. One of the first customers of the famous C 12 microphone was the BBC in London.

Worldwide AKG expansion

With its growing success, AKG also expanded geographically with a German subsidiary founded in 1955. By the end of the fifties, AKG’s worldwide distribution network had grown to other parts of Europe and abroad. In the sixties AKG successfully started exporting into former East block countries and Latin America. Concerned with technological quality, AKG focused on what it did best: high-quality audio transducers. The results were first-rate products in all categories. In the following years, AKG launched the world's first two-way cardioid microphones (D 202, D 224) and developed the CMS modular condenser microphone system.

The seventies: AKG innovations around the clock

The seventies began like the sixties ended at AKG: with continuous innovations. The company started in the seventies with the presentation of the BX 20, the world's first, truly portable studio reverberation unit. In 1972 a special stamp by the British Post Office commemorating the 50th anniversary of the BBC showed historical microphones along with models from the AKG catalog. One year later AKG was granted its 1000th patent. At the same time the company presented the K 140 "integrated open" headphones. These were followed by more innovations like the AKG Transversal Suspension (TS) system, the world’s first two-way headphones, and the true vocal microphone line that firmed the high-quality international reputation of the AKG products.

By the end of the seventies the first endorsement contracts were signed with Frank Sinatra, Roger Whittaker, Falco and other artists. As the technological leader, AKG was first in perfecting the upcoming digital technology. The company used the first units successfully at the Moscow Olympics (1980). After this, the company continued with digital innovations like the BX 25 ED digital/analog reverberation unit or the large diaphragm stereo condenser microphones with advanced solid-state electronics.

AKG goes public

In 1984 AKG went public and started a new phase of enormous growth. In 1985 the US subsidiary of AKG was founded, followed by other expansions such as the acquisition of dbx Professional Products in 1989. The expansion continued through the beginning of the nineties with acquisitions in Great Britain, Germany and other countries.

Expansion was also a key strategy with AKG products: In the beginning of the nineties AKG took to the stars when the “Audimir” space project used AKG products for room simulation in outer space. AKG continued its product expansion and success with the new generation of headphones called the K Series, the ergonomically-shaped, triangular-section Tri-Power Series dynamic musicians' microphones, the AKG Blue Line Series modular microphone system, the new C 547 boundary microphone and C 621, C 647 "slim-line" gooseneck microphones for stage and installed system use.

AKG as a part of Harman International

In 1994 AKG became a part of Harman International Industries, Inc. The following years brought a time of restructuring and sharpening of the product line and distribution strategy. The wireless microphone line was extended with great products used on tour by Rod Stewart, Peter Gabriel and Simply Red. 1995 brought the introduction of the world's smallest dual-diaphragm system in the world, the CK 77/C 577 - big in sound, smaller than a thumbnail in size, specifically designed for theater, TV and film uses. AKG also developed the new Performer Series - affordable microphones for Karaoke, home-recording and performing musicians.

This successful path continued throughout the nineties: AKG presented product innovations like the WMS 60 Multichannel Wireless Microphone System, the AKG Hearo Series or the C 4000 B the world's first dual large-diaphragm electret microphone. The new millennium started with an even stronger AKG focus on its core products. A new production strategy was implemented at the R&D headquarters in Vienna  to strengthen the leading technology position of AKG in the world of professional audio .

New fame with the 60th anniversary

In 2007, AKG celebrates its 60th anniversary, but instead of looking back, AKG is looking toward a bright future with additional growth. In addition to the development of new geographical markets, the focus will be on the strategic positioning of AKG in existing and new markets. To achieve these goals, the brand has been re-launched with a new corporate logo and brand image. 2007 will see the launch of many new and innovative AKG products. With these and many more activities, AKG hopes to continue to be world famous for its high-quality microphones and headphones within the professional audio-world.

AKG worldwide on stage

AKG microphones and headphones have a long history on tour and in studio with international musicians such as Frank Sinatra, Eric Clapton, Peter Gabriel, Stevie Wonder, Aerosmith, the Rolling Stones, Rod Stewart, Anastasia, Eros Ramazotti, Kayne West and Simply Red. Not only well-respected internationally, AKG has fans closer to home, with Austria’s most famous pop-star Falco counted as an AKG user, as well as the upcoming Austrian star Christina Stuermer.

Some notable events:

  • 1955: The first postwar Salzburg Festival (Austria) uses AKG microphones. A unidirectional microphone is specifically designed for Herbert von Karajan.
  • 1955: Hans Hass uses AKG products to shoot his first underwater sound movie “Adventures in the Red Sea” which won first prize at the “Biennale” biannual film festival in Venice, Italy.
  • 1972: A special stamp is issued by the British Post Office commemorating the 50th anniversary of the BBC showing historical microphones including several AKG models.
  • 1991: AKG takes to the stars when the "Audimir" space project uses AKG products for room simulation in outer space (space station MIR).
  • 1997: AKG Wireless Mics are used on the "Arctic Northeast" project for the Austrian Broadcasting Company, providing quality and reliable performance even at low arctic temperatures.
  • 1999: Remix of Caruso's voice is completed with Hearo 777s.
  • 2003: Leading novelist Dan Brown mentions AKG headphones in two of his best-selling novels: "The Da Vinci Code" and "Deception Point".
  • 2006: AKG provides quality sound for the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany.
  • 2007: AKG celebrates its 60th anniversary and starts the next phase of worldwide expansion.
  • 2008: AKG is honored with Austrian Export Award 2008.

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  发帖心情 Post By:2011-12-29 9:58:34 [只看该作者]


Dr. Harman died in April, 2011.  His family is no longer control this company. New CEO just a business man, lack of the passion for Audio industry _ cost focus ( not technology foucs anymore) , now almost half of the board from ABB.


U can see quite a lot of excellent engineers left ( like Harman Multimedia group _ belong to Harman consumer group )Harman from 2007.  Harman is strong - depending on the Harman Automotive ( Becker ).


-- Mark trainer  _ open owne company  ( 亚洲第2名, 声学楼 2005)

-- Daniel Kissel  _ open own company (亚洲第10名, 声学楼 2005)

-- Brendon Stead _ Boss of both , left in 2011 ( more than 10 years in Harman );

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  发帖心情 Post By:2011-12-30 13:22:23 [只看该作者]


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  发帖心情 Post By:2011-12-30 17:02:32 [只看该作者]


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  发帖心情 Post By:2011-12-30 17:10:41 [只看该作者]


1972 saw the introduction of Mark Levinson’s JC-1 preamplifier — a concrete, functional symbol of Mark Levinson’s approach to audio reproduction. With a signature blending of vision and science, it was the beginning of a series of groundbreaking audio components that reinforced America’s reputation in high end audio design.

Indeed, the JC-1 taught even hardcore audiophiles tube components had no lock on aural truth. As the JC-1 evolved into the ML-1, it was joined by the ML-2 monophonic power amplifier. Mark Levinson then introduced the ML-3 power amplifier, a massive and ultra-stable dual-mono design that precisely controlled even the most difficult loudspeakers of its day.

By the mid ‘80s, despite innovations such as a fully modular preamplifier and extraordinary open-reel tape decks suitable for demanding studio recording sessions, Mark Levinson Audio Systems found itself in difficult financial straits. However, the Mark Levinson tradition of hand-crafted excellence was rescued by Madrigal Audio Laboratories, Mark Levinson’s “sister company” distributor. Key personnel regrouped to continue design and production. The reorganization brought needed fiscal discipline and an expanded engineering staff.

The timing was propitious. The audio industry was moving rapidly toward the digital CD as a prime music source. Although certainly not the first digital-to-analog converter to appear, Mark Levinson’s classic No. 30 reference processor was instantly hailed as the new sonic benchmark, an achievement that signaled digital’s “coming of age.” The following year, the No. 31 reference CD transport completed Mark Levinson’s desire to offer the finest digital playback system. It, too, was hailed as a milestone in design, execution, and sound quality.

With the Mark Levinson name firmly established as a first tier supplier of components for the home enthusiast, Mark Levinson broadened its reach through a relationship with Lexus, Toyota’s luxury car division. Working closely with Lexus engineers, Mark Levinson leveraged its experience and the expertise of the automotive divisions of its parent corporation, Harman International, to provide audio performance that fully complemented the Lexus driving experience.

Today, more than three decades after the company’s inception, Mark Levinson continues to expand the horizons of audiophiles at home and on the road as well as those of home theater enthusiasts with components and systems that define accuracy, reliability, and enjoyment.

Mark Levinson. Since 1972. The same name. The same enduring standards. The same extraordinary level of satisfaction.

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  发帖心情 Post By:2011-12-30 17:11:26 [只看该作者]


Founded in 1971, Lexicon has become one of the world's premier manufacturers of home theater and professional electronics. Innovative technologies have helped Lexicon to push the boundaries of home entertainment. Lexicon audio systems are also available in luxury cars such as the Rolls Royce, BMW, Mercedes and Land Rover.

Since its inception, Lexicon has been a company dedicated to breaking sound barriers. Being at the leading edge of both the professional and consumer audio markets has led to an insight into the art of creating exquisite sound that is unmatched by any other brand.

From the launch of the first commercially available digital audio effects processor to the new Automatic Room Equalization system, a focus on research and development has kept Lexicon at the apex of audio innovation.

Some of our most impressive technologies include:

  • LOGIC 7 – our technology for recording and distributing multi-channel sound on two-channel media
  • Lexicon LIVE (Lexicon Intelligent Variable Environment) – our unique system that can transform any listening room into an exceptional and pleasurable acoustic space

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  发帖心情 Post By:2011-12-30 17:14:05 [只看该作者]

Trademark Attributions

A-BUS is a registered trademark of LeisureTech Electronics Pty Ltd.
AC-3 is a registered trademark of Dolby Laboratories.
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
Adaptive Bass Distribution is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
AKG is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
AKM is a trademark of AKM Semiconductor, Inc.
A.M.P.A.S. is a registered trademark and service mark of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
APG is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Apple is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Apple Store is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Atlas is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Audioaccess is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Audioaccess aDock is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
AudioReQuest is a trademark of ReQuest, Inc.
Baffle Isolation System is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Balboa is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
BASH is a registered trademark of Indigo Corporation.
BassLink is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
BassLink T is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
BassLink X is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
BassPro is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
BassQ is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Becker is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Betacam SP is a trademark of Sony Corporation.
Bi-Radial is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
B-Link is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Blu-ray Disc is a trademark of the Blu-ray Disc Association.
B.O.S. (Bass Optimization System) is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Burr-Brown is a trademark of Texas Instruments.
CAI (patent no. 7,197,443) is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Captap is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
CAS is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
CEA is a registered trademark of the Consumer Electronics Association.
Celeron is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.
Century Gold is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
CES is a registered trademark of the Consumer Electronics Association.
Champagne is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Charge-Coupled Linear Definition is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Cinema ProPack is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
CineVERSUM is a trademark of Barco Home Cinema.
Cirrus is a registered trademark of Cirrus Logic, Inc.
Cirrus Logic is a registered trademark of Cirrus Logic, Inc.
CMMD (patent nos. 6,327,372 and 6,404,897) is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Common Sense is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
CoMotion (logo only, and only when used in the U.S.) is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Competition Series is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Component Home Cinema is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Compositions Overture is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Compression Diaphragm Technology is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Constant Acoustic Impedance (patent no. 7,197,443) is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Control is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Creature is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Crown is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Crystal is a registered trademark of Cirrus Logic Corp.
Custom Contour is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
DACS is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
DCDi by Faroudja is a registered trademark of Genesis Microchip Inc.
Decade is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Decora is a registered trademark of Leviton Manufacturing Company, Inc.
Deepbeat is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Designed to Entertain is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Differential Drive (U.S. patent no. 5,748,760 and other patents pending) is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Digital Harmony is a trademark of Digital Harmony Technologies, Inc.
Digital Harmony Reference System 2000 is a trademark of Digital Harmony Technologies, Inc.
Digital Media Center is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
DigiTech is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Direct Stream Digital is a trademark of Sony Corporation.
DirectX is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Discman is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation.
DivX is a registered trademark of DivX, Inc.
DLP is a trademark of Texas Instruments.
Dolby is a registered trademark of Dolby Laboratories.
DoubleFlex is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Drive + Play is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
DriveRack is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
DTS is a registered trademark of DTS, Inc.
DTS Digital Surround is a registered trademark of DTS, Inc.
DTS-ES is a registered trademark of DTS, Inc.
DTS Neo:6 is a registered trademark of DTS, Inc.
DTS 96/24 is a trademark of DTS, Inc.
Duet is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Elliptical Oblate Spheroidal is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
EMIM is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
EMIT is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
EMIT-N is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Emmy is a registered trademark of The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.
Entra is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Environmental Reference Standard Series is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
EON is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
ERS Series is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Escient is a registered trademark of Digital Networks North America, Inc.
EzLink is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
EzSet (logo and in text) is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
EzSet/EQ (logo and in text) is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
EzSet+ (logo and in text) is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Ferrofluidic is a registered trademark of Ferrotec Corporation.
Festival is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
FireBall is a trademark of Digital Networks North America, Inc.
Focused-Field T-Pole Motor is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
GAP (patent no. 5,042,072) is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Golden Globe(s) is a registered trademark of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association.
Google is a trademark of Google Inc.
Gracenote is a registered trademark of Gracenote, Inc.
GRAMMY is a registered trademark of the National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences.
GRAMMY Awards is a registered trademark of the National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences.
Grand Ole Opry is a registered trademark of Gaylord Entertainment Company.
Grand Touring Series is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
GT Series is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Harman Audio is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
harman audio outlet is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
harman: how to listen is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Harman Infotainment is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Harman Kardon is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
harman/kardon (logo) is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Harman Kardon Go + Play is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Harmony is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
HCL is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
HDCD (High Definition Compatible Digital) is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
HDMI is a trademark of HDMI Licensing LLC.
HD Radio is a trademark of iBiquity Digital Corporation.
HeatScape is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
High-Definition Multimedia Interface is a trademark of HDMI Licensing LLC.
HiQnet is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Home Cinema is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
HomeWorks is a registered trademark of Lutron Electronics Co., Inc.
HTi Series is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
HT Series is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
iDrive is a trademark of BMW.
IMG is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
I-Mount (patent no. 5,859,917) is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
IMQ is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
IMQ2 is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Infinitely Better is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Infinity is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Infinity Beta is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Infinity Cascade is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Infinity Classia is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Infinity Primus is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Ingram Micro and the Ingram Micro logo are registered trademarks of Ingram Micro Inc.
Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.
Interlude is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Intermezzo is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Invisiball is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
iPod is a registered trademark of Apple Inc.
IsoPower is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
ISUB is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
It Sounds Better is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
iTunes is a registered trademark of Apple Inc.
JBL is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
JBL Adverse Pressure Gradient is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
JBL APG is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
JBL Bug is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
JBL Cinema Vision is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
JBL Digital Link is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
JBL Encounter is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
JBL Hustle is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
JBL One-Click (patent pending) Remote is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated
JBL On Stage. The trademark On Stage is used with permission of OSA International, Inc.
JBL On Station is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
JBL On Time is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
JBL On Tour is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
JBL On Tour Plus is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
JBL Radial is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
JBL Sonnet is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
JBL Spot is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
JBL Spyro is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
JBL Synthesis is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
JBL Tangential Strain is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
JBL TSR is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Kaladex is a registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company.
Kappa is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Kapton is a registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company.
Kevlar is a registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company.
Kodak is a registered trademark of Eastman Kodak Company.
K2 is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Lexicon is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
LFP is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Linear Spatial Reference is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Listening Window Selector is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Logic 7 is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Loud + Clear is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Lucasfilm is a registered trademark of Lucasfilm Ltd.
Mac is a registered trademark of Apple Inc.
Macrovision is a registered trademark of Macrovision Corporation. All rights reserved.
Magnum is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Margi is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Mark Levinson is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Maximum Radiating Surface is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
M3D is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Metal Matrix Diaphragm is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Microlink is a trademark of Xantech Corporation.
Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Minuette is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
MMD is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Modulus is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Monster Cable is a registered trademark of Monster Cable Products, Inc.
Monster Mount is a registered trademark of Monster Cable Products, Inc.
MOST (Media Oriented Systems Transport) is a registered trademark of MOST Cooperation.
MRS is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
MultiMount is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Mylar is a registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company.
My-Ti is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Neodymium Differential Drive (NDD) is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
NeoGlass is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Neo:6 is a registered trademark of DTS, Inc.
Nomex is a registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company.
Northridge Series is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Noryl is a registered trademark of General Electric Company.
Odyssey is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Odyssey+ is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
OmniMount is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
OmniPivot is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
On Screen Library (patent pending) is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Optimized Aperture is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Oreus is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Oscar(s) is a registered trademark and service mark of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
Outrigger is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated
Overture is a registered trademark Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.
Performance Series is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Photo CD is a trademark of Eastman Kodak Company.
PlayStation is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation.
Plexiglass is a registered trademark of the Atoglas Division of Atofina Chemicals, Inc.
Plus One (patent pending) is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Plus One + is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Plus Two is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Polycell is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
PolyPlas is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
PowerBass is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Powered by ZapMedia is a service mark of ZapMedia, Inc.
Power for the Digital Revolution is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Powerlink is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
PowerPoint is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Power Series is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Powerstat is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
PowerValve is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Prelude MTS is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Pro Cinema Comes Home is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Project Array is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Pro Logic is a registered trademark of Dolby Laboratories.
Pro Power is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Pro Sound Comes Home is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
PSP is a trademark of Sony Corporation.
Quadrapole is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
R.A.B.O.S. is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
ReplayTV is a registered trademark of Digital Networks North America, Inc.
Revel is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Rigitex is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Room Adaptive Bass Optimization System is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Room-Friendly Acoustical Design is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
SACD is a trademark of Sony Corporation.
ScreenArray is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Screen Spreading Compensation is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
SCS Series is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
SHARC is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.
Sheetrock is a registered trademark of United States Gypsum Company.
Shuffle is a trademark of Apple Inc.
Signature Series is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Signature Sound is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Simply Cinema is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
SLI is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Smart Subwoofer, The, is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
SonoGlass is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Sony is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation.
SoundEffects is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Soundgear/SOUNDGEAR is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
SoundPoint is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
SoundSticks is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Spaceframe is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Speakershop is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Spring-Action Auto Latch is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Spring-Loaded Mounting System is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Starfish is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Steal the Show. Go Pro. is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Straight-Line Signal Path is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
StreetGlow is a registered trademark of StreetGlow, Inc.
Studio Series is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Styrofoam is a trademark of The Dow Chemical Company.
Surround EX is a jointly developed technology of THX and Dolby Laboratories, Inc., and is a trademark of Dolby.
Symmetrical Field Geometry is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Synthesis is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Synthesis Array. Synthesis is a registered trademark, and Array is a trademark, of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Synthesis Boardroom. Synthesis is a registered trademark, and Boardroom is a trademark, of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Take Control (logo) is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Texas Instruments is a trademark of Texas Instruments.
Thermalum is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
ThumbDrive is a trademark of Trek 2000 International Ltd.
THX is a registered trademark of THX Ltd. Use the following attribution: THX is a trademark of THX Ltd., which may be registered in some jurisdictions. All rights reserved.
THX Surround EX. Use the following attribution: THX is a trademark of THX Ltd. THX may be registered in some jurisdictions. Surround EX is a trademark of Dolby Laboratories. Used with permission. Set up the word mark as follows: THX(TM) Surround EX(TM)
THX Ultra is a trademark of THX Ltd. Use the following attribution: THX and THX Ultra are trademarks of THX Ltd., which may be registered in some jurisdictions. All rights reserved. Set up the word mark as follows: THX(TM) Ultra(TM)
THX Ultra2 is a trademark of THX Ltd. Use the following attribution: THX and THX Ultra2 are trademarks of THX Ltd., which may be registered in some jurisdictions. All rights reserved. Set up the word mark as follows: THX(TM) Ultra2(TM)
TI is a trademark of Texas Instruments.
TiK Series is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
TiVo is a registered trademark of TiVo Inc.
TLH is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
TLH2 is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
TLH II is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Total Solutions is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
TrafficPro is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
UltraStereo is a trademark of UltraStereo Corp.
UniPivot (patent no. 6,002,780) is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
UniPlane is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Unipoint is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Universal Interface is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
USA TODAY is a registered trademark of Gannett Co. Inc.
Vented Gap Cooling is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Venue is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
VerTec is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
VMAx is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated, and is an implementation of Cooper Bauck Transaural Stereo under patent license.
Walkman is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation.
Wall Boundary is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
WeatherEdge is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Weathermax is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
WeatherPlas is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
W.H.E.N. (Whole-House Entertainment Network) is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Windows Media is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Windows Media Audio (WMA) is a proprietary file format developed by Microsoft.
Windows NT is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
XM Ready is a registered trademark of XM Satellite Radio.
ZapMedia and ZapMedia Entertainment Portal are service marks of ZapMedia, Inc.
Zune is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Simplay HD is a trademark of Simplay Image, Inc.
Bridge, The (logo only), is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Harman Kardon Guide + Play is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Academy Award(s) is a registered trademark of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
Concerta is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Faroudja is a registered trademark of Genesis Microchip Inc.
Faroudja DCDi Edge is a trademark of Genesis Microchip Inc.
iPhone is a trademark of Apple Inc.
JBL On Call is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Mac OS is a registered trademark of Apple Inc.
Radiator Plus is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Studer is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Soundcraft is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
BSS is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Bluetooth and the Bluetooth logo are registered trademarks of the Bluetooth SIG, Inc.
Total Traffic Network is a registered trademark of Clear Channel Broadcasting, Inc.
Tele Atlas is a registered trademark of Tele Atlas N.V.
Bass Optimization System is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
Bose is a registered trademark of the Bose Corporation.
Buick is a trademark of General Motors Corporation, its subsidiaries, affiliates or licensors.
Chrysler is a registered trademark of Chrysler LLC.
Chevrolet is a trademark and/or service mark of General Motors Corporation, its subsidiaries, affiliates or licensors.
CobraNet is a registered trademark of Peak Audio, a division of Cirrus Logic, Inc.
CompactFlash is a registered trademark of the CompactFlash Association.
Dodge is a registered trademark of Chrysler LLC.
DTS-HD is a trademark of DTS, Inc. (The "TM" should not follow "DTS-HD" in text; use the attribution only.)
DTS-HD Master Audio is a trademark of DTS, Inc.
Faroudja DCDi Cinema is a trademark of Genesis Microchip Inc.
GM is a trademark and/or service mark of General Motors Corporation, its subsidiaries, affiliates or licensors.

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