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主题:[转帖] Bose? SoundLink? Mini 蓝牙?扬声器:爱分享 让每一刻不同凡响

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[转帖] Bose? SoundLink? Mini 蓝牙?扬声器:爱分享 让每一刻不同凡响  发帖心情 Post By:2013-9-29 14:16:48 [只看该作者]


SoundLink? Mini蓝牙?扬声器是Bose? SoundLink?系列产品全新且最小的成员,它的尺寸只有手掌般大小,能够通过蓝牙无线与智能终端连接,无论在家、在海边或是旅行途中,它都是您与朋友分享澎湃精彩音色的最佳伴侣。

  ? 体积小巧却能迸发澎湃音量

  Bose? SoundLink? Mini蓝牙?扬声器尺寸为5.1cm高X18cm宽X5.8cm长,重量仅为670克,比普通平板电脑都要轻,铝制的外壳结实有质感亦可防刮痕和指纹,优雅的平滑设计适合放在任何的背包里。

  虽然外形小巧,Bose? SoundLink? Mini蓝牙?扬声器却拥有比市场上所有同尺寸扬声器更为出色的音质。它包含了多项精确先进的工程技术。两个全新发声单元比同体积的传统单元更能令空气压力倍增,输出清晰的中、高音频,在专利的被动双膜共振技术下,重现最雄浑强劲的音色,这也是首次运用在SoundLink? Mini蓝牙?扬声器上的最新科技;Bose?数字信号处理技术则确保任何音量水平都能呈现平衡音色,带给使用者前所未有的新体验。

  ? 蓝牙对接操作简便

  Bose? SoundLink? Mini蓝牙?扬声器采用了蓝牙A2DP技术和强大的天线,让无线连接能力更加稳定。它的配对及使用亦十分简便,只要在扬声器上方的控制面板轻轻单击,即可无线连接至智能型设备或平板电脑,快速完成配对。系统能自动记忆储存最近留个曾使用过的蓝牙装置,方便下次使用时无需再配对。

  SoundLink? Mini蓝牙?扬声器配备的充电式锂电池最多可连续播放高达7小时,同时备有一个充电底座,以便随时享用音乐盛宴。这款蓝牙扬声器提供橘、绿、和蓝色三种封套,以及旅行便携包,靓丽时尚的造型,可搭配不同的心情和场合,自由选配。

  Bose? SoundLink? Mini蓝牙?扬声器,即日起全国Bose授权专卖店均可购买,全国统一售价:1,880元。

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  发帖心情 Post By:2013-9-29 14:17:39 [只看该作者]


 全新的Bose? AE2w蓝牙?音乐耳机使用多项先进科技及材质,为用户带来超乎寻常的音质表现及佩戴舒适度,支持多点连接也增加了使用的便捷性,方便用户在任何场合享受Bose带来的极致体验。


  Bose? AE2w蓝牙?音乐耳机,即日起全国Bose授权专卖店均可购买,全国统一售价:人民币2,100元。

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  发帖心情 Post By:2013-9-29 14:45:04 [只看该作者]


Bose? SoundLink? Bluetooth?移动扬声器II-白色限量版:音乐也可以很美丽


  享誉蓝牙扬声器业界的Bose? SoundLink? Bluetooth?移动扬声器今夏推出了令人惊艳的白色限量版,独特白色图案设计、以及橙白双折叠封套,让音乐更浪漫时尚,更是送礼不二之选。

  Bose? SoundLink? Bluetooth?移动扬声器不因箱体的大小而影响音质,结合四颗小巧且强劲的发声单元,在保证小巧体积的同时亦提供真实清晰的高中频声音,同时应用独一无二的“Waffle”结构被动共振双膜,另低音表现强劲且不会折损中高音的清晰度,并能极大程度地减少扬声器在使用过程中的机身震动。扬声器还经过了Bose环境实验室的反复测试,能经受住每日频繁使用的考验,同时又能抵御盐雾、沙子、风、和水汽等恶劣环境的侵蚀;另有汽车级铬材质的边缘设计,具有超强的防摔防震功能。

  Bose? SoundLink? Bluetooth?移动扬声器II-白色限量版,即日起全国Bose授权专卖店可购买,全国统一售价:人民币3,200元。

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  发帖心情 Post By:2013-9-29 14:46:27 [只看该作者]


作为Bose首款入耳式消噪耳机,Bose? QuietComfort? 20有源消噪耳机具有里程碑式的意义。Bose历经三十年的研发多达20项的声学科技专利,QuietComfort? 20有源消噪耳机终于向世人展现它在消噪技术、音色质量以及舒适程度方面的惊人突破,堪称为Bose史上最全能的耳机。这款耳机拥有多种聆听方式,让用户实时置身于个人音乐世界,亦能同时与外界保持联系。它的音质媲美大型耳机,重量却仅为44克,无论走到哪里都能轻松收藏于口袋之内。


  Bose? QuietComfort? 20有源消噪耳机将两个微型麦克风置于耳塞内,实时搜集外界噪音并将数据传送至耳机控制模块中的数码电子芯片内,在千分之一秒运算出一个等量及反向消噪信号,只有亲身佩戴,才能体验无与伦比的消噪效果。

  同时采用独有的Bose? Triport?声学结构设计,增加耳机内有效的声学空间以重现深沉的低频,还原真实人声与乐器声音。Bose动态均衡技术能主动调适至最佳状态,确保声音的真实自然,让所有音乐作品声音表现更好,使其饱满、丰富,避免失真及人工修饰效果。

  ? 享受纯”静”音乐同时也能保持与外界联系

  Bose? QC?20有源消噪耳机独家专利的Aware Mode彻底改变人们的行为模式。用户可隔绝一切外来噪音,全情投入个人音乐世界;单击耳机线线控侧面按钮,便能调至全新的Aware Mode,减少接收特定低频率噪音,以便清楚聆听周边环境声音,如喇叭蜂鸣、友人交谈、机场或车站广播等,不用摘下耳机就能与外界联系,甚至可在没有电源的状态下使用。这也是QuietComfort? 20有源消噪耳机能比任何其他耳机,能在更多地方、以更多方式且更常被使用的另一个原因

  ? 升级款StayHear?+鲨鱼鳍硅胶耳塞更舒适

  Bose? QuietComfort? 20有源消噪耳机拥有与生俱来的舒适感与卓越性能,专利StayHear?+鲨鱼鳍硅胶耳塞更贴合耳形,全新的伞形设计确保有效阻隔噪音、提升主动降噪效果,而不损出众音色。其轻巧的舒适特性甚至令用户感觉不到它的存在。

  ? 持久耐用的电池续航

  耳机的充电电池拥有约16小时的续航力,当电量耗尽或电源关闭时,仍能继续播放音乐。Bose? QC?20有源消噪耳机包含内嵌式麦克风及控制器,方便随时接听来电。并提供两款型号,适用于大部分Android?、Windows?及BlackBerry?系统的QC?20有源消噪耳机,以及专为iPhone、iPad及iPod产品而设计的QC?20i有源消噪耳机。

  Bose? QuietComfort? 20有源消噪耳机,即日起全国Bose授权专卖店均可购买,全国统一售价:2,580元。

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  发帖心情 Post By:2013-9-29 14:47:08 [只看该作者]

Bose 的产品都不便宜。

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  发帖心情 Post By:2013-9-30 8:33:34 [只看该作者]

Sound link以及mini在低频上表现都非常优秀,但高频有些欠缺,可能对于喜欢有点高音的朋友就不那么perfect了

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  发帖心情 Post By:2013-9-30 10:04:57 [只看该作者]


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  发帖心情 Post By:2013-9-30 13:15:02 [只看该作者]


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对比看看DOSS  发帖心情 Post By:2013-9-30 13:18:16 [只看该作者]

DOSS Asimom3 DS-1189 Smart Wireless Bluetooth Mini Speaker for iPad /iPhone /iPod (Color Optional)

Be the first to review this product

Availability: In stock

FREE SHIPPING: This item is shipped from China. This item will take from 14 to 30 business days to your door. If you don't accept this delay, please don't buy.

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  发帖心情 Post By:2013-9-30 13:20:11 [只看该作者]


The item is DOSS Asimom3 smart wireless Bluetooth mini speaker, which is compatible with Bluetooth V2.1+EDR version, and supports high-efficient wireless charging mode. It has intelligent voice prompt and alarm clock functions, and supports APP, NFC fast matching. With smart design, good sound quality and easy to use, it is really a wonderful smart speaker for choice.


- Brand: DOSS.
- Model: Asimom3 DS-1189.
- Color: optional, including black, white, red, yellow and sky-blue.
- Material: high-grade metal.
- 100% brand new and high quality smart wireless Bluetooth mini speaker.
- Suitable for iPhone, iPad, iPod, Macbook, and other Android smartphones and tablet PCs.
- SIG Bluetooth association certified Bluetooth V2.1 + EDR version.
- Intelligent voice prompt, humanization operating mode, high sensitivity touch rotating control volume.
- Voice calls for number, a key can easily answer the calls, easy to choose the previous song, the next one, stop play.
- Exclusive supporting APP: iOS system and Android system all can be matched, the fast matching can be realized only to open the APP.
- Wireless charging mode: Except for charging the speaker, Its base also can be used for charging other mobile devices. The cool dazzle energy-efficient conversion wireless charging mode is more suitable for intelligent terminal consumer group.
- APP in the WiFi condition can realize thousands of radio stations Cloud Play function, and you can easily choose the favorite radio stations.
- Intelligent alarm clock wake-up function, wake up on time, any key to stop. ( This function is count by APPs, and the app may only in non-English language, you may not able to use this function before the Eng version App release. )
- DOSS patent Air - Bass technology, in the exquisite implantation in low quantity, strong sense of high frequency bright, intermediate frequency melting, suitable for human and all kinds of pop music playing.
- Applicable to the crowd: suitable for the customer base of mobile terminal devices.

How to use

- Traditional connection:
1. Press and hold the power button (at the bottom of speaker) for 2 seconds,  it will turn on the speaker, LED will blinking and voice prompt is ready.
2. Switch on Bluetooth with your smart phone. Search and pair with speaker DOSS ASIMOM 3. Once paired, the speaker said: paried. Normally this process finish within minute.
3. After connected the speaker, you can freely play music and use as handsfree.
4. To adjust the volume, you can use the buttons with your smart phone or touch and circling the Top of the speaker.

- Use NFC connection:
If your smartphone have built-in NFC function, you can just place your smartphone on the top of the speaker and it will automatically turn on the smartphone's Bluetooth and turn on the speaker at once. At this moment, your phone will pop up a message and ask for connection. After connected, you can take out the smartphone.

- About the Charger Base:
The wireless charger base is specially designd for charging the DOSS Asimom 3, not supporting previous DOSS speaker. Do not place any other metal stuff on the charger, it may cause damage. This charger also can act as an external power bank to charge other mobile devices via USB cable.

- Use the Charger Base for Charging Speaker:
Switch power button (at the bottom of charger) to “PS” and press the “MODE” button. After 3 sec the LED ring be blinking very slowly, you can now place the speaker on it for charging.

- Use the Charger Base for Charging other devices:
Switch power button (at the bottom of charger) to “PS” and press the “MODE” button. Connect the device and the charger with USB cable.

- Charging the Speaker and the Charger Base:
Switch power button (at the bottom of charger) to “CH”. Use micro USB cable connect the power source to the Charger Base. The Charger Base’s LED will blinking very slowly which showing it was charging. Now, you may place the speaker on the charger base, it will also charging both the speaker and Charger Base. While finished charging, the LED will turn off.


- Rated power: PO=1.5W.
- Frequency response: 80Hz-15KHz.
- Degree of Distortion: THD<1%.
- Signal to Noise Ratio: S/N≥62dB.
- Speaker: 2".
- Battery: built-in 3.7V 500mAh rechargeable lithium battery.

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  发帖心情 Post By:2013-9-30 13:22:50 [只看该作者]


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  发帖心情 Post By:2013-9-30 13:25:30 [只看该作者]


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  发帖心情 Post By:2013-9-30 13:34:09 [只看该作者]


无线充电很酷呦 试玩DOSS阿希莫3音箱


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  发帖心情 Post By:2013-9-30 13:36:01 [只看该作者]



DOSS DS-1155灵动
DOSS DS-1155灵动蓝牙音响






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  发帖心情 Post By:2013-9-30 13:39:21 [只看该作者]


In 2010, the folks at Jawbone unveiled the Jambox, a small, brick-shaped 12-ounce wireless Bluetooth stereo speaker that delivered surprisingly big sound. It cost $199 and doubled as a speakerphone.

Just over a year ago, Jawbone brought out a larger brick with even bigger sound, but also a bigger $299 price, the aptly named Big Jambox.

Now, Jawbone is at it again, and this time the company is going small again. On Wednesday, Jawbone announced the 9-ounce Mini Jambox, which comes in about half the size of the Jambox and retails for $179.99, same as the regular Jambox. The latest model is actually louder and clearer then the original despite its size, and like its sibling promises 10 hours of battery life. The original Jambox remains in the Jawbone lineup for now.

While that original brick is small and light enough to throw into a backpack and take to the road, Jawbone is positioning the Mini as an even more portable speaker. You can stash it in your pocket and pull it out when you want to bolster the sound of the music, game or movie emerging from your smartphone or tablet so that you can share it with your companions. The pitch is that this is the speaker you can always have with you, just as the camera in your phone is always there when you need it.

Mini Jambox comes in nine different colors and five designs, carrying the kind of names marketers love to drum up (Aqua Scales, Purple Snowflake, etc.). It's housed in a rigid aluminum unibody casing. On the inside, Jawbone says, are two neodymium drivers and a passive bass radiator.

Killspencer.com will be producing an elegant splash- and water-resistant handcrafted leather case that will allow music to play through. Pricing for the case wasn't announced in advance.

I paired the new speaker with an iPhone and iPad to watch YouTube, movie clips and to listen to an eclectic mix of music. I listened indoors and out and was quite impressed with the clear sound that came through — whether I pumped up the volume or kept levels soft. As you might imagine, though, the Mini doesn't have quite the oomph of its Big Jambox sibling for providing the soundtrack at a large backyard barbecue.

While watching a scene from Iron Man, Jawbone demonstrated an immersive Live Audio feature that adds an extra dimension of sound as you as watch a movie or play a game. I've tried the feature on Big Jambox but wasn't able to test it in advance on the Mini.

Nor could I test a free companion iOS app that launches with the new speaker on Wednesday. You can control the speaker from the app — the app's background color will match the color of the Jambox that you are using. You can name your device through the app. The app also brings together playlists from Spotify, Rdio, Deezer and iTunes, but not other services for the moment. An Android version of the app is coming.

Via Bluetooth, you can pair up to eight devices with the Mini in all, and manage two connections simultaneously. Of course, you can play volume from only one at a time. Like its larger siblings, Mini Jambox, too, functions as a speakerphone, and features voice prompts for pairing and other functions.

Jawbone is taking orders at its website. Retail availability comes later, at Apple Stores, AT&T, Best Buy, Target and Verizon stores.

The field for compact Bluetooth speakers is quite crowded. But Jawbone with the Mini Jambox has produced another standout.

Follow Ed Baig on Twitter: @edbaig.

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  发帖心情 Post By:2013-9-30 13:41:49 [只看该作者]

Big Jambox声音还算不错,Jambox声音失真很大虽然其外形很讨喜欢。不知MINI Jambox声音怎样?

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  发帖心情 Post By:2013-10-16 10:22:00 [只看该作者]


If it was your last day...
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  发帖心情 Post By:2013-10-17 18:09:13 [只看该作者]

图片点击可在新窗口打开查看此主题相关图片如下:bose mini.jpg



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  发帖心情 Post By:2013-10-18 0:07:48 [只看该作者]

以下是引用Acoustics在2013-09-30 13:22:50的发言:


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  发帖心情 Post By:2013-10-18 0:15:34 [只看该作者]

以下是引用Acoustics在2013-10-17 18:09:13的发言:

图片点击可在新窗口打开查看此主题相关图片如下:bose mini.jpg




[此贴子已经被作者于2013-10-18 00:20:07编辑过]

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