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主题:哈曼收购Bang & Olufsen汽车音响业务

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哈曼收购Bang & Olufsen汽车音响业务  发帖心情 Post By:2015-4-1 14:41:24 [只看该作者]

Harman Buying Bang & Olufsen Automotive Audio Business
NEW YORK — Mar 31, 2015, 7:04 AM ET
The audio and electronic systems company Harman International Industries Inc. will buy Bang & Olufsen Automotive for about $157.3 million.

Bang & Olufsen makes sound systems, which are available in high-end luxury cars including Audi, Aston Martin, BMW and Mercedes-Benz car models. Stamford, Connecticut-based Harman brands are in more than 25 million cars and include AKG, Harman/Kardon, Infinity, JBL, Logic 7, Mark Levinson, Lexicon, Revel, Selenium, and yurbuds.

In January, Harman reported-better-than-expected quarterly financial results as it continues to benefit from an industry trend toward cars that provide users with Internet-connected audio and entertainment options. The company expects demand will remain strong and forecast profit of $5.85 per share for the fiscal year through June on revenue of $6 billion.

The Bang & Olufsen deal includes a purchase price of 145 million euros, or about $157.3 million, as well as license payments for an exclusive license to the Bang & Olufsen and B&O PLAY brands within the automotive industry.

"Bang & Olufsen is a distinctive brand that will complement our existing premium branded offerings and strengthen HARMAN's position in this segment," said Harman President and CEO Dinesh C. Paliwal, in a statement.

Harman will assume all Bang & Olufsen Automotive customer programs, and all Bang & Olufsen Automotive development and production resources will be transferred to Harman.

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  发帖心情 Post By:2015-4-1 18:39:31 [只看该作者]



 据路透社3月31日发布的消息,哈曼国际工业公司 (HARMAN)已获得丹麦著名品牌Bang & Olufsen(简称:B&O)的汽车音响业务,此次收购动用了1.45亿欧元进行处理。也就是说,哈曼将取得所有的B&O汽车客户程 序,而B&O所有的汽车开发和生产资源亦将被都转移到哈曼。 早在年初,Bang & Olufsen公司总裁 Ole Andersen 已透过媒体向同业抛出橄榄枝,为寻求解决经营困境,愿考虑被竞争对手收购。在如此快速的时间内获得回应,足见B&O之品牌魅力。
[此贴子已经被作者于2015-04-01 18:42:04编辑过]

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  发帖心情 Post By:2015-4-1 18:44:06 [只看该作者]

哈曼将收购BANG & OLUFSEN汽车音响业务


全球领先的音响产品及信息娱乐系统制造商哈曼国际(纽约证券交易所代码:HAR)宣布已签署协议,收购Bang & Olufsen公司旗下汽车音响业务。Bang & Olufsen汽车音响系统广泛用于奥迪、阿斯顿·马丁、宝马以及梅赛德斯-奔驰等多款车型。

哈曼国际董事长、总裁兼首席执行官包利华介绍说:“哈曼是汽车音响领域的领先企业,其音响系统在精致技艺、时尚设计与精密工程上追求卓越,同时拥有最广泛的品牌组合,可满足客户的个性化品牌要求。Bang & Olufsen品牌特色鲜明,能够强化我们现有的高端品牌,增强哈曼在细分市场的竞争力。Bang & Olufsen品牌解决方案将继续为最高端的豪华汽车市场提供服务,与此同时我们也会在更大范围的大众市场上快速推广B&O PLAY品牌解决方案。”

包利华先生还指出:“哈曼将在在营销、规模与技术等方面给予Bang & OlufsenB&O PLAY大力支持,增强并提升两大汽车音响品牌的影响力,而且重要的是进一步提升其与哈曼现有车用音响业务融合后的盈利能力。我们欣喜地看到,随着新型关系的建立,能够为我们带来很多内在的合力与机遇。”

收购协议条款中包括以1.45亿欧元收购B&O公司旗下汽车音响业务,并针对在汽车行业内独家使用Bang & OlufsenB&O PLAY品牌支付授权使用费。哈曼还将承担Bang & Olufsen汽车业务的所有客户项目,Bang & Olufsen汽车业务所有开发与生产资源也将转至哈曼集团。该交易将遵循惯例,包括获得监管部门的审批。

Bang & Olufsen总裁兼首席执行官Tue Mantoni说:“我们在10年内把Bang & Olufsen汽车音响打造成了一个独家品牌,在精湛音效、时尚设计与制作工艺方面卓越出众。哈曼集团是汽车音响与信息娱乐解决方案市场的领头羊,携手Bang & Olufsen品牌强强联合,将使汽车厂商以及两家公司都受益匪浅。我们为Bang & Olufsen在汽车市场所取得的成就感到十分自豪,并对这一品牌在哈曼大家庭中的未来发展前景激动不已。”

Bang & Olufsen向汽车厂商提供音质极佳的车用音响系统,为驾驶员与乘客带来完美的听觉体验。除了独特的卓越设计外,音响系统还融情调和技术性能于一身,使之成为其品牌的特质,恒久流传。该公司最近刚刚宣布,Bang & Olufsen环绕声音响系统已装备于奥迪R8新款车型。 Bang & OlufsenB&O PLAY品牌将携手哈曼在高端汽车音响系统领域锐意创新并精益求精。

如今,超过2500万辆行驶在路上的汽车都使用了哈曼的车载音响和信息娱乐信息系统。随着Bang & OlufsenB&O PLAY品牌的加入,哈曼汽车音响品牌将更为多元化,其它品牌包括Bowers & Wilkins?Harman Kardon?Infinity?JBL?Lexicon?Mark Levinson?以及Revel?

关于Bang & Olufsen

Bang & Olufsen 公司(www. bang-olufsen.com)由Peter BangSvend Olufsen1925 年创立于丹麦斯特鲁尔,两位锐意创新的年轻工程师矢志追求高品质放音效果,致力于设计完美的音响设备。自此以后,凭借对传统精湛工艺的传承以及对高科技研发的执着追求,这一世界品牌成为优异性能与杰出设计的经典标志。

Bang & Olufsen 在保持家庭影音设备科技领域领先地位的同时,近年来充分利用在其集成视听方案方面的丰富经验,其产品从家庭应用扩展到了酒店和汽车业等其他领域。因此,其现有产品系列代表了家庭、汽车和旅途的最佳媒体体验。

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加好友 发短信 电声工程师
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  发帖心情 Post By:2015-4-1 18:47:36 [只看该作者]


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加好友 发短信 电声工程师
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  发帖心情 Post By:2015-4-1 18:49:13 [只看该作者]

Bowers & Wilkins
诞生于1966年的英国顶级音响品牌B&W(Bowers&Wilkins 宝华韦健),以接近半个世纪的专注,一直细琢完美听觉享受,凭众多巅峰之作领誉世界。它以精湛缜密的制作工艺和极具前瞻性的创新技术,结合低调简洁的现代工业设计,呈现如无瑕水晶般清透纯净、如空谷传响般触动心灵的天籁之声,无愧为极致原音的传奇缔造者。
自Bowers & Wilkins(宝华韦健)诞生伊始,品牌创始人之一John Bowers“忠于声音本真”的信念一直贯穿其全系产品。从高保真扬声器、家庭影院、新媒体产品到汽车音响,每一款Bowers & Wilkins出品均完美诠释极致原音这一至高标准——音质就如无瑕透亮的窗格使您眼前一亮,每一颗本真音符、每一丝韵味都丝毫无损、原汁原味地流淌出来,呈现身临其境的极致听觉享受。

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  发帖心情 Post By:2015-4-2 9:00:22 [只看该作者]


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  发帖心情 Post By:2015-4-2 11:51:05 [只看该作者]

是B&O  ,不是B&W

Excellent sound for you !
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加好友 发短信 电声工程师
等级:版主 帖子:3520 积分:26241 威望:2 精华:19 注册:2006-2-13 13:44:44
  发帖心情 Post By:2015-4-2 18:23:03 [只看该作者]

HARMAN brands are in more than 25 million cars. With Bang & Olufsen and the B&O PLAY brands joining Bowers & Wilkins, Harman Kardon, Infinity, JBL, Lexicon, Mark Levinson and Revel, HARMAN commands an unmatched portfolio of superior audio brands, making us a compelling partner for OEMs and an object of envy among our competitors! 

[此贴子已经被作者于2015-04-02 18:27:07编辑过]

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  发帖心情 Post By:2015-4-3 9:24:44 [只看该作者]


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  发帖心情 Post By:2015-4-3 9:36:31 [只看该作者]


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  发帖心情 Post By:2015-4-3 10:13:12 [只看该作者]

以下是引用Acoustics在2015-04-01 18:47:36的发言:



Harman International Signs Global Alliance With Bowers & Wilkins



WASHINGTON, D.C. - April 29, 2008 - Harman International Industries, Incorporated (NYSE: HAR) announced today that it has signed a global alliance with the B & W Group Ltd., a leading manufacturer of high-performance loudspeakers based in the United Kingdom. The agreement appoints Harman as global representative for future applications of Bowers & Wilkins technologies to the automotive OEM sector on an exclusive basis.


"This partnership adds a rich dimension to our automotive business, where brand differentiation is increasingly desired both by OEM customers and their end users," said Dinesh Paliwal, Harman Chief Executive Officer. "Leading luxury automakers are currently installing solutions based on our Harman Kardon, Infinity, JBL, Lexicon, Mark Levinson, and other brands. We are delighted to add the legendary Bowers & Wilkins name to Harman's family of premium brands, and we look forward to further enriching this important market segment."


"We are very pleased to be partnering with Harman, the clear market leader, to further extend the Bowers & Wilkins brand and true sound experience in the automotive space," added Joe Atkins, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the B&W Group.


Under the terms of the agreement, Harman will design and develop new branded audio solutions for the automotive sector in collaboration with Bowers & Wilkins. The two companies will blend their technical and commercial strengths based on more than 100 years of combined expertise in the premium audio field. Financial terms of the agreement were not disclosed.


Bowers & Wilkins built its first commercial loudspeaker in 1966, launching a tradition that led to such breakthrough technologies as Kevlarr speaker cones, Nautilus Technology, diamond dome tweeters, matrix cabinet construction, and pressure vessel subwoofer technologies. Bowers & Wilkins products are respected by audio enthusiasts worldwide, and are deployed in prestigious professional settings such as London's Abbey Road Studios. The B&W Group develops and markets products for home theater, hi-fi and multimedia applications under the Bowers & Wilkins, Classe' and Rotel brand names.


Harman International Industries, Incorporated (www.harman.com), designs, manufactures and markets a wide range of audio and infotainment products for the automotive, consumer and professional markets. Harman International maintains a strong presence in the Americas, Europe and Asia, and employs more than 11,000 people worldwide. The Harman International family of brands includes AKG, Audioaccess, Becker, BSS, Crown, dbx, DigiTech, Harman Kardon, Infinity, JBL, Lexicon, Mark Levinson, Revel, QNX, Soundcraft and Studer. Harman International's stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol NYSE:HAR.

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