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主题:求标准IEC/PAS 62458

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等级:侠之大者 帖子:233 积分:2229 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2007-6-23 8:41:03
求标准IEC/PAS 62458  发帖心情 Post By:2008-12-4 9:56:36 [只看该作者]

有IEC/PAS 62458么

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等级:新手上路 帖子:1041 积分:7135 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2008-7-8 10:40:29
  发帖心情 Post By:2008-12-4 14:05:13 [只看该作者]

IEC 62458: Sound System Equipment -Electroacoustical Transducers - Measurement of Large Signal Parameters

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等级:新手上路 帖子:1041 积分:7135 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2008-7-8 10:40:29
  发帖心情 Post By:2008-12-4 14:05:56 [只看该作者]

AES E-Library: Optical Measurement of Loudspeaker Driver Large Signal Displacement Parameters by Weaver, John E.; Leach, W. Marshall

Optical Measurement of Loudspeaker Driver Large Signal Displacement Parameters
An optical technique for measurement of the peak-to-peak large signal displacement of a loudspeaker driver cone under dynamic operating conditions is presented. The method allows the identification and measurement of shift in the cone zero center position as functions of drive level and frequency. It is believed that these shifts are caused by nonlinearities in the cone suspension.
Paper Number:   1163    AES Convention:   55 (October 1976)
Authors:   Weaver, John E.; Leach, W. Marshall
Affiliation:   Amplification and Recording, Cambridge, England

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等级:新手上路 帖子:1041 积分:7135 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2008-7-8 10:40:29
  发帖心情 Post By:2008-12-4 14:06:28 [只看该作者]

AES E-Library: Measurement of Large-Signal Parameters of Electrodynamic Transducer by Klippel, Wolfgang

Measurement of Large-Signal Parameters of Electrodynamic Transducer
A new method is presented for the dynamic, nondestructive measurement of linear, nonlinear and thermal parameters and the instantaneous state information of woofer, headphones and other electrodynamic actuators. The transducer is measured under normal working conditions while reproducing noise or an ordinary audio signal at high amplitudes. A digital control system estimates the free parameters of the extended electroacoustical model adaptively, identifies the safe range of operation of the particular driver automatically and prevents a thermal or mechanical overload. The identification technique is based on the measurement of the electric signals at the terminals only avoiding systematic errors produced by the sensor and the acoustical environment. The identified model is the basis for calculating the transfer behavior and shows the physical causes of nonlinear distortion in the reproduced sound. This information is crucial for assessing loudspeaker quality in the large-signal domain and for : improving the loudspeaker design.
Paper Number:   5008    AES Convention:   107 (September 1999)
Author:   Klippel, Wolfgang
Affiliation:   KLIPPEL GmbH, Dresden, Germany

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加好友 发短信 书生
等级:侠之大者 帖子:233 积分:2229 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2007-6-23 8:41:03
  发帖心情 Post By:2010-2-22 15:25:43 [只看该作者]

