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xian-gen 发表于:2006-4-25 15:54:25


Magnet Material, 磁铁等级有Ceramic 5/6/8, 与Y25/30/32/35等有没有对应关系, 或是两种不同的磁铁?

Metal Material, 上下板材质等级Low Carbon Steel 1018/1013/1008含义如何, 哪种更好?我们常用的是哪一种?

Acoustics 发表于:2006-4-25 16:00:59

Motor Parts

1. From the Menu item Motor Material, select the magnet material Y30 This is a standard Asian material that is roughly equivalent to Ceramic 5.
2. From the Menu item Metal Material, select the metal LCS1013. This is 1013 low carbon steel. It is the most common Asian steel used in loudspeakers.
3. We know from our vendor sheets that the standard magnet dimensions for a 40 Oz magnet are 140 OD x 20 TH x 75 ID. With these, we can estimate that our front and back plate OD should be roughly 10mm smaller in diameter if we are going to use a 10mm Frontplate. This means a Plate OD of 130 mm.

4. From the Frontplate Outside Dia. drop down box select 130.
5. From the Frontplate thickness drop down box select 10. (Notice that there are two parts with a 130mm OD because the thickness box shows both 8 and 10mm available.)
6. Click on the Voice Coil Active Label Information by running the mouse over the label and clicking when you see a highlight box appear. If you hold the mouse down you will see additional information about the voice coil design including a Recommended Front Plate Inside Diameter. The ID that it recommends is 54.4mm.

7. In Frontplate Inside Diameter type 54.4 (Or select it from the drop down box) <Enter>
8. Enter the dimensions that we already know for a 40 Oz magnet in the appropriate boxes under magnet (140 OD, 20 Thickness, 75 ID)
9. We already know that the OD of the metal parts will be 130 so from the Backplate Outside Dia. drop down box select 130 <Enter>
10. It is common to match the plate thickness so select 10mm for the Backplate thickness. <Enter>

11. The gap between Pole OD and Voice Coil ID is typically set by the manufacturer to allow clearance for production and a small amount of yaw at high levels. The Standard amount usually runs about .3mm on this size coil so the Pole OD should be .6mm smaller then the Voice Coil ID. This would be 48.95mm. Enter this value for Pole Diameter. <Enter>
12. For now we will leave the pole extension at the default of 0.
13. Using the drop down box on Vent hole diameter select 25mm <Enter>

14. The motor design should now be complete and you can go to the Motor Parts Active Label for more information including Bg. You can also see the percentage saturation for the metal parts by pressing the colored bars under each part.

Acoustics 发表于:2006-4-25 16:22:13

Manufacturers Databases

The following are databases from major manufacturers of magnets and motor materials.

To enter these into your SpeaD preferences folder download the files to c\program files\redrock\spead\partsDB.

download Hiticahi magnets

download DMEGC magnets

download General Magnetics magnets

download Alpha Products front plates

download Alpha Products back plates

Acoustics 发表于:2006-4-25 16:23:06
SpeaD/Reverse SpeaD Pricing

We accept Visa/Mastercard, American Express, checks (please make payable to SpeaD and use the address below) and wire transfers (please include an additional $25 for bank fees when wiring funds).

Redrock is the sole distributor of the software so all orders are processed through us (click here to email).

Below is the pricing structure for the software. All packages are shipped via Fed Ex 2 day.

SpeaD $1730 USD buy now

Reverse SpeaD $ 530 USD buy now

SpeaD/Reverse $2030 USD buy now

No demo Version is available. We do offer a 30 day money back guarantee.

Discounts are available for purchasing multiple copies on the same PO. Please contact us for details
Acoustics 发表于:2006-4-25 16:23:57
Update Instructions

This update only replaces the SpeaD.EXE file.

Download the file to the SpeaD folder ( C\program files\redrock\spead if you used the default path) Unzip SpeaDUpdate103.exe by double clicking on the file. It will prompt you that the files already exists and ask if you want to overwrite the file. Answer yes.

download version 1.0.3

Reverse SpeaD

To install: Download the file. Double click and follow instructions.

download Reverse SpeaD NT version 1.0.1

download Reverse SpeaD Win 95/98 Version 1.0.1

xian-gen 发表于:2006-4-25 16:42:20

鬼佬老板才给了我一套SpeaD/Reverse,我就试用一下, 我是搞不清楚Magnet Material和Metal Material的等级与实际中用的怎么去对应.

平时只知道Y25/30....;那Ceramic 5/6/8又是怎么一回事; 平时用的T铁和华司,各位有向供应商要 1018/ 1013/ 1008这样等级证明吗?

Acoustics 发表于:2006-4-25 17:07:35




  电话:0579—6588888 传真:0579—6551157 邮编:322118



Acoustics 发表于:2006-4-25 17:09:17

the magnet material Y30 This is a standard Asian material that is roughly equivalent to Ceramic 5.

另一是日立牌号(Ceramic 5)

Acoustics 发表于:2006-4-25 17:16:46

This is 1013 low carbon steel. It is the most common Asian steel used in loudspeakers.

Metal Material
The Metal used in the Frontplate, Backplate, and Pole piece can have a substantial effect on the overall performance of a speaker. SpeaD can model virtually any material by way of its Metal libraries. Typically speakers in the US are built with 1018 Low carbon steel. (Asian parts use 1013 steel). The carbon content in the steel determines the magnetic characteristics. Generally, lower levels of carbon yield higher Magnet strength. SpeaD has models for many common materials. The SpeaD website will be constantly updating the material libraries which can be placed in the Material Library folder.

Typically speakers in the US are built with 1018 Low carbon steel.美国常用1018低碳钢


Acoustics 发表于:2006-4-25 17:18:17

Manufacturers Databases

The following are databases from major manufacturers of magnets and motor materials.

To enter these into your SpeaD preferences folder download the files to c\program files\redrock\spead\partsDB.

download Hiticahi magnets

download DMEGC magnets

download General Magnetics magnets

download Alpha Products front plates

download Alpha Products back plates


CY 发表于:2006-4-25 20:59:56
DAAS 发表于:2006-4-26 13:01:11
以下是引用CY在2006-04-25 20:59:56的发言:

哎,兄弟偶就这样笨过, 笨,早知道抛个几k出来,请个翻译伺候了.....

水仙 发表于:2006-4-26 14:28:49
卜凡 发表于:2006-6-14 19:24:34
以下是引用水仙在2006-04-26 14:28:49的发言:


原声 发表于:2006-6-16 14:02:17
电声爱好者 发表于:2006-8-1 13:00:59
以下是引用xian-gen在2006-04-25 15:54:25的发言:


Magnet Material, 磁铁等级有Ceramic 5/6/8, 与Y25/30/32/35等有没有对应关系, 或是两种不同的磁铁?

Metal Material, 上下板材质等级Low Carbon Steel 1018/1013/1008含义如何, 哪种更好?我们常用的是哪一种?



电声爱好者 发表于:2006-8-1 13:35:50
Cone Fo
The cone Fo is the standard compliance measurements for cones and edges. It is available from cone suppliers or can be measured using a standard Fo analyzer. It is important this measurement be taken under the same conditions that the speaker will be tested. Temperature and humidity can cause dramatic changes in this test because of the relative instability of rubber and foam typically used for edge material and moisture retaining cone materials such as untreated paper. This measurement is difficult to make accurately for very high compliance materials such as butyl or santoprene edge. Unsecured clamping around the entire edge, sag, and conflicting resonance of the driving speaker can all contribute to errors in this test
电声爱好者 发表于:2006-8-1 13:49:35
The cone area of the speaker. This is defined by measuring from the diameter from the inside 1/3 of the edge roll, and then calculating area.
WANGFUYU 发表于:2006-8-7 19:18:30

Acoustics说得完全正确,我查了一下FEMM软件库中关于CERAMIC 5的参数是:


WANGFUYU 发表于:2006-8-7 19:20:49
至于1008,1013等称号是指含碳量 8/1000,13/1000,都是低碳钢
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