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标题:A great acoustician is quiet

visalink 发表于:2015-4-9 12:33:55

Less than a month after celebrating his 100th birthday, Per V. Brüel has passed away.

Per Brüel was born in Copenhagen on 6 March 1915. As a young boy, he moved to Jutland with his family, where it was expected he would follow his father’s example and become a forester. However, he showed a knack for technology and ended up studying engineering at the Danish Technical University, where he met Viggo Kj?r. They both graduated in 1939, and in 1942 decided to follow their shared dream of starting an engineering firm.

At this time, sound and vibration was not on the agenda of industry, and from the very beginning Per was a driving force behind setting international standards and establishing the importance of sound and vibration in product development, to measure and reduce vibration and noise levels. “Even then we could see that noise is one of the biggest problems of our time – it affects millions of people every day,” Per said. “Our instruments could not only measure noise but also help customers identify and eliminate noise problems.”

From the onset, Per had a vision of creating a global enterprise and he travelled the world to meet customers and understand their challenges; he was determinedly customer-centric long before the term was coined. On these journeys, Per could combine two of his passions: sound and vibration, and flying. He was licensed in Denmark to fly single- and multi-engine planes, as well as gliders. From 1957 to 2000, he logged 9,476 hours of flight in more than 20 different aircraft. He also had a lifelong passion for motorcycles and cars, which gave his engineering insights a grounding in the everyday world.

Through the second half of the 20th century, Brüel & Kj?r grew to become the world’s largest specialist in sound and vibration solutions. The company is still inspired by the convictions of its founders. “We wanted to make products which had an impact on society, and we wanted to make money,” Per said. “If I’m to talk about a motto for my work, it is that it must in no way be boring.” Speaking on behalf of his partner, Viggo Kj?r, who passed away in 2013 at the age of 99, he added an unofficial rule of conduct: “Running a business is about having fun. Having fun is the best way to use your skills. We wanted talented people who could think for themselves, who were creative and also a bit lucky. Employ good people; don’t tell them what to do when they start work, because people will find that out for themselves, making them highly inspired.”

In 1992 , Per Brüel and Viggo Kj?r sold Brüel & Kj?r, and went on to pursue other ventures. Per continued his work in acoustics as a consultant, and was much sought after to lecture on sound and vibration. Over the course of his life, he received many honorary titles from renowned universities and organizations around the world in recognition of his contribution to the field of sound and vibration. These included the University of Bologna, Dresden University and the International Institute of Noise Control Engineering.

Right to the end, Per was active and energetic. He celebrated his 100th birthday on 6 March in style, with nearly 100 guests at his home north of Copenhagen, and he participated in the March annual meeting of the Danish Acoustical Society.

With the death of Per Brüel, the world of acoustics is now truly a more quiet place.

May Per Brüel rest in peace.




Background information for this obituary was drawn from Journey to Greatness: The Story of Brüel & Kj?r, by Jackson Mowry and Ghita Borring

visalink 发表于:2015-4-9 12:37:32

百岁生日庆典过后不到1个月,Per V. Brüel先生去世了。

Per V. Brüel先生于1915年3月6日出生于丹麦哥本哈根。还是一个小男孩的时候,他和他的家人搬到Jutland,所有人都认为他会在那里步他父亲的后尘,成为一个护林人。然而,他显示出对科技的热爱和技巧,最终前往丹麦技术大学学习工程技术,并在那里遇见了Viggo Kj?r。他们两人于1939年毕业,并于1942年决定追随他们的梦想,创立一家工程公司。



20世纪下半叶,Brüel & Kj?r成长为世界上最大的声音与振动解决方案专家。该公司在今天依然受其创始人所树立的榜样的鼓舞。“我们希望制造能够影响社会的产品,而且我们想要盈利,”Brüel先生说,“同时,我们旨在创造稳定的工作,这样我们不需要解雇员工。如果我需要为我的工作选择一个座右铭,那就是它绝对不能无聊。”代表他的搭档Viggo Kj?r先生(Kj?r先生于2013年去世,享年99岁),他补充了一个非正式的行为规则,“经营企业是为了寻找乐趣。寻找乐趣是使用技能的最好方法。我们需要有才华的,可以独立思考的员工,具有创造性,同时也有点幸运。雇佣好员工,当他们开始工作时不要告诉他们该做什么,因为他们会自己发现需要做什么,从而激发灵感。”

1992年,Per Brüel先生和Viggo Kj?r先生出售了Brüel & Kj?r,并继续追求其他的冒险。Brüel先生作为一名顾问继续着他在声学领域的工作,他所做的声学与振动讲座十分受欢迎。他一生中收到过全世界许多著名大学和组织授予的荣誉称号,以表彰他对声学与振动领域的贡献。其中包括博洛尼亚大学,德累斯顿大学,和国际噪声控制工程研究所。


在Per V. Brüel先生去世后,声学世界如今更加安静了。

愿Per V. Brüel先生安息。

Hichan 发表于:2015-4-9 15:01:35
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ulric 发表于:2015-4-15 4:26:20
eddychang 发表于:2015-4-15 8:33:09
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