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主题:[转帖]随身影院 JBL FLIP便携无线蓝牙音响评测

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[转帖]随身影院 JBL FLIP便携无线蓝牙音响评测  发帖心情 Post By:2013-6-4 21:38:25 [只看该作者]

随身影院 JBL FLIP便携无线蓝牙音响评测

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欢迎发表评论2013年01月05日15:18 来源:天极网 
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随身影院 JBL=

  JBL FLIP便携蓝牙音箱


随身影院 JBL=


  因此音响市场中无线便携音响渐渐有了很大的起色,采用无线接入可以与更多的便携移动设备进行连接,而本身的音乐性大大的高于机载音响也是优势之一。今天笔者就为大家带来一款可以无线灵活搭配各种移动设备的无线蓝牙便携音响JBL FLIP蓝牙便携音响。


  JBL FLIP包装盒依旧沿用传统的色彩搭配,红黑底色给人沉稳和高质感的印象。LOGO处JBL by HARMAN表明了其源自哈曼集团的优良血统,从包装盒我们可以直观的了解这款音响的特性,蓝牙、无源、麦克风。

随身影院 JBL=


随身影院 JBL=


  拿出实体可以发现音响呈柱状型,圆柱型的腔体更有助于抑制谐振现象的发生,JBL FLIP可以采用横卧和竖放两种方式进行摆放,在竖放的时候音响喇叭呈科学的上扬角度便于声音传播,横卧的话声音传播则呈扇形扩散在人多以及远距离进行聆听的时候推荐采用横卧方式。

随身影院 JBL=

  电源接口、AUX IN音频线接口

随身影院 JBL=


  整体按键布局简约实用,横卧底部仅一个电源接口用于充电以及一个AUX IN音频线输出口,便于没有蓝牙模块的设备可外接音频口进行声音输出。在顶部则是电源开关键、音量键以及接听键。

随身影院 JBL=

  JBL FLIP获得2013 CES创新奖。支持任何兼容蓝牙的设备。圆柱型的扬声器内含两个高质量的发音单元、一个内置低音炮以及数字信号处理软件,在高端和地段设备上都可以得到流畅的延展。JBL Flip内置扩音器支持免提蓝牙呼叫,仅需充电3小时即可无源使用5小时。


  前文也提到JBL FLIP无线音响产品可灵活的提升移动设备的多媒体性能,比如我们拿着iPad躺在床上看电影,可能大多数人的选择是戴着耳机,耳机长时间佩戴会有不舒适的感觉,如果我们搭配JBL FLIP不仅我们可以听到,还可以与家人一同分享。

随身影院 JBL=


随身影院 JBL=


  其次是我们的笔记本,目前主流的笔记本都带有蓝牙模块,平日无论是摆放客户进行多媒体演示,还是出差在宾馆无聊看电影打发时间,都会抱怨笔记本的音响太不给力,失真和破音让我们兴致全无,搭配JBL FLIP就能迎刃而解,仅需简单的开启电源与笔记本适配,你的升级版多媒体笔记本就完成了。

随身影院 JBL=


随身影院 JBL=


  当然这款产品主要还是针对智能手机进行多媒体播放的,平日大家一定都有在睡前玩手机的习惯,比如在线看美剧等。仅需将JBL FLIP音响放在床头柜,通过蓝牙进行连接即可享受出色的临场感受,如果在欣赏过程中来电仅需请按音响的接听键即可进行免提通话,通话结束后电影音乐自动恢复。


  作为一款音响产品,我们还是需要进行客观听音测试的,当然我们此次会选用Macbook Pro、iPad、iPhone5以及Android手机并通过音频线外接iPod Classic多平台的进行试听和电影欣赏,以实现较为客观的听音。

随身影院 JBL=


  我们在不同的设备上采用了3首风格迥异的歌曲和2部目前主流的电影来进行试听,分别是:Chet Baker《My Funny Valentine》、The Beatles《Yesterday》、Olivia《All out of love》、《赛德克巴莱》、《大魔术师》。

随身影院 JBL=

  JBL FLIP获得CES创新奖并非空穴来风,无论是其品牌价值还是产品本身的设计理念都说明了JBL非常致力于未用户提供多环境多平台的音频灵活解决方案,并致力于通过创新和技术为用户带来更多惊喜和优势生活。

  JBL FLIP无线蓝牙便携音响优缺点







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  发帖心情 Post By:2013-6-5 22:39:17 [只看该作者]

Tech Review: Jawbone Jambox vs. JBL Flip

Saturday, Feb 16th, 2013 — 2 Comments

Have you ever been using your iPad and can’t hear a thing?


I often find myself grabbing the nearest object to stick behind it, hoping some sound will be thrown in my direction. This is a problem with just about every device; the manufacturer sticks the speaker on the back or even the bottom so they can keep the tech sleek and simple looking. If you have any desire to hear even the smallest amount of what you are trying to enjoy, then something has to be done. With any amount of ambient noise in the room, you have to have something to squeeze a bit more volume out…

I use my iPad every night I am in a hotel, which is about a third to half of all nights. I have found a few solutions to my problem and this is a brief overview on how I made my decision with which option to keep.

I have spent countless hours listening and critiquing many types of audio products. From headphones to home audio, I love great audio. I could have easily used a pair of my headphones to solve my problem, but I dislike sleeping in headphones.  I decided it was time to jump in the new niche market that is wireless and portable audio.

After a lot of research, I learned there are about three products that are truly worth looking at in the 100-200 dollar range. I spent a few hours tonight deciding which ones I liked most, and which one I was going to sleep with for the foreseeable future. I hope this information will help you decide what device is worth your hard earned money.

Criteria for review:

  • Portability 
  • Functionality & Feel
  • Performance


Jawbone Jambox – Street Price: $129.99/MSRP: $199.99

My first introduction to Jawbone was Bluetooth headsets. I think nearly everyone had one right around the time of the Motorola Razr and the original Blackberry. Just as they ruled the first generation of the Bluetooth headset market, it makes sense they would be one of the first to jump on the Bluetooth speaker train. Upon further research, I learned the Jambox was the end all be all for the first few years of wireless speakers, no other models came close. However, similar to the Bluetooth headset, being the first big guy means all the others are gunning for you.


This little guy weighs the least and is slightly smaller than the others here. It is rectangular in shape coming to roughly 6″ x 2″ x 2″. The carrying case is simple in design and fits remarkably snug around the Jambox. One of the major benefits of being the first and most popular in a category is the amount of aftermarket support. There are countless accessories you can buy for this…accessory.

Functionality & Feel

The Jambox has a pretty basic design. An On/Off switch sits next to the Mini-USB charging port and the 3.5mm Aux input. It has a pretty rugged feel with most of it being covered in a rubber-like material and the color/design combinations are endless. All the latest Bluetooth technologies are in it and you can even see its battery life displayed on your iPhone. The weight comes in just under a pound. Jawbone claims approximately 10 hours of battery life and most of the reports I have read claim similar results. I love to have crazy colored toys, so the availability of pick and choose color combos is another big plus.


This is the category that is most important to me. I can live with or adapt to the most awkward features or design if it means I get the best audio quality.The Jambox was surprisingly decent for its itty-bitty size. I have no expectation of any mini speaker system to blow me away or compare to full size gear.

For what small drivers lack in bass, it can be made up for in clear and defined mid bass and treble. My biggest complaint with the Jambox was its attempt at low end thump. Their data sheets claim a 60 Hz-20 kHz frequency range, I find that to be a specifically outrageous claim.

I have heard speakers containing three 6.5″ drivers made to some of the most rigorous specifications known that cannot retain any sort of true clarity and play down to 60 Hz. The claim that they are achieving it with two 1.25″ drivers using any sort of standard testing is particularly deceitful.  It seems in an effort to grab the customer’s attention with whatever bass the Jawbone engineers could get from the device took away from the research and development of a transparent and clear midrange. In short, it sounds muddy.This causes the sound as a whole to become unintelligible.

JBLFlip1JBL Flip – Street Price: $99.99/MSRP: $119.99

JBL has been making incredible speakers at good prices for a long time; nearly everyone has heard a JBL product at some point in their lives. If it wasn’t in a movie theater it might have been in their friend’s Toyota. JBL has been one of the leading audio giants for several years. When you move out of boutique brands and into the major market gear, JBL has some top shelf lines. Coming at this market from a speaker design background and one as good as JBL’s will prove to be more meaningful than having been a leader in the Bluetooth world.

The JBL Flip is their entry into the compact wireless audio market. By the time they introduced the Flip, everyone knew the Jambox was the king, just like the Jawbone headset used to be king. However it appears JBL brought their engineering “A-Game” even to this little product.


The Flip weighs in .2 lbs. more than the Jambox, is cylindrical in shape and comes with a neoprene-like carrying case. It’s about 6″L x 2″W. I knew instantly this would fit perfect into my backpack. Not to mention the provided carrying case is sturdy, solid and closes via zipper. The device is likely to remain dirt and crumb free riding around in my backpack.

Functionality & Feel

The Flip has a no-nonsense approach to functionality and design, with a sleek mesh metal speaker cover that wraps around most the device; only available in two color schemes, Silver and Black. After taking a quick peek at the Ikea like directions, I had connected my iPad to it via Bluetooth in no time. The other functions of it are simple enough that you don’t need to read up on it. The end cap of the cylinder-like speaker has four buttons, Volume Up/Down, Power and Phone which is used to answer calls. Similar to most other products in this category, the device doubles as a speaker phone, each one has a built in microphone.  On the back there are two ports, one for Power and the other a standard 3.5mm Aux input. It doesn’t have quite as advanced Bluetooth information as the Jambox, such as viewing the battery life on your iPhone (at least I have yet to see this function work) but it will connect to virtually any Bluetooth tablet, phone or PC available today.


Like stated above, this is where it counts. Regardless of looks or price or ease of use, this is what drives my final decision. Considering that, the Flip is far more refined sounding than the Jambox. Neither of the devices here are awesome at music, and I have plenty of head phones for that. For lighter genres like acoustic, the device does great. However, without that thump, pop and rap aren’t my favorite things to listen to. My main purpose for needing a portable speaker is for video; I typically spend my nights before sleep watching a TV series or movie and for that the Flip was far more defined and clear. The frequency range JBL claims is 150hz-20khz, though JBL may have a few bits of information missing in the way they document things, it is clear that this is a speaker manufacturer. The Flip presents voices with a relatively clear and direct sound. The Digital Sound Processing (DSP) they use appears to bring the typical voice a bit more outward, and somewhat places the effects and ambiance towards the background. It is a surprisingly pleasant effect for watching TV and Movies. The other feature worthy of note is the sheer volume the Flip is capable of. Sitting in my Hotel room, I was blown away at how loud it was. Too loud sitting next to me on the desk at full volume, but great for sitting 10’ away hooked up to the TV.


Logitech Mobile=Notable Mention – Logitech Ultimate Ears Mobile Boombox – Street Price/MSRP: $99.99

I was only able to give this a listen-to inside the store, however due to that and reading multiple raving reviews, I believe the Mobile Boombox is worth taking a look at if you are ready to buy a portable speaker system. Being a Logitech product, it comes with a ton of extra features like firmware updates and pairing two devices at the same time. Considering it was designed through their Ultimate Ears brand, it likely has great audio quality for what it is. The Mobile Boombox also comes in a ton of color combinations. I plan to pick one up and do some critical listening so look forward to that tech review. I love UE gear so I can’t help but try it out. It may be a good balance between the functionality and funky-ness of the Jambox with nearly the audio quality of the Flip.



I loved the looks and feel of the Jambox; I am sucker for cool colors that make stuff stand out. I especially like the fact it has a lot of aftermarket support. However, due to Jawbone’s attempt at providing some thump, I am sticking with the JBL. The JBL has a completely different feel; it is much more “professional” feeling. Holding it in my hand feels as though I am holding a small version of an expensive camera lens. Where the Jambox is funky and fun, the Flip is refined and sleek. Though price was not a deciding factor, it is a bit of an “icing on the cake” so-to-speak. Jambox has an MSRP double that of the Flip, and though as I tried, I cannot find a reason why it is worth double. I highly imagine that is why they basically lowered the price to $129 in nearly every store it is available, to compete with the newer offerings from other companies.

If your budget calls for something a bit cheaper, JBL has a lower price point offering with their JBL On Tour systems, I am sure those are worth taking a look at.

The goal of this website is to get intentional about things. Whatever your preferences, I hope this information has helped you make an informed decision; our experience with technology can be far more satisfying when we pay attention to what we are spending our hard won dollars on.

For the sake of information there are a few far more expensive products in this class, such as the Bang and Olefsun. However, I don’t feel the need for a $900 portable speaker that gets taken to construction sites. If you have use for one, let me know how it sounds! I would love to hear about it.

Question: How do you cope with the less-than-great volume of your mobile devices? Let me know in the Comments below!

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  发帖心情 Post By:2013-6-6 21:20:23 [只看该作者]


2 x 1-5/8" Drivers & Built-in Bass Port / Up 5-hours on Li-ion Battery / Built-in Microphone & Call-Answer Button / DSP & LED Indicator

The JBL Flip with Bluetooth capability is an ideal wireless Stereo system for smartphones and tablets. With two 1-5/8-inch (40-millimeter) Drivers and a built-in Bass port, it delivers full-range JBL Sound with exceptional bass - all in a portable package. The JBL Flip offers up to 5 hours of playback time from its built-in Li-ion rechargeable Battery and connects wirelessly to any Bluetooth-equipped device. With performance that comparably priced products can't match, the JBL Flip is the ultimate wireless portable stereo speaker for any environment.
  • In the Box: 1 JBL Flip stereo speaker, 1 AC adapter, 1 Neoprene material carrying pouch, Warranty card, Quick-start guide

  • Versatile, portable design
  • Wirelessly connect to smartphones, tablets, laptops and more
  • Use its built-in MIC for hands-free calls, Skype and FaceTime
  • Hear the truth with great JBL sound from dual drivers and DSP
  • Built-in bass port
  • 5-hour, Li-ion rechargeable battery

  • Amplifier Power: 2 x 5W
  • Battery type: Li-ion rechargeable
  • Bluetooth transmitter frequency range: 2.402 - 2.48GHz
  • Listening time on battery power: >5 hours
  • Bluetooth transmitter modulation: GFSK
  • Signal-to-Noise Ratio: >80dB
  • Frequency Response: 150Hz - 20kHz
  • Battery charge time: 3 hours
  • Size: 6-5/16 in. in Height

  • 声学楼--声学工程师之家
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      发帖心情 Post By:2013-6-6 21:21:18 [只看该作者]


    2 x 1-5/8" Drivers & Built-in Bass Port / Up 5-hours on Li-ion Battery / Built-in Microphone & Call-Answer Button / DSP & LED Indicator

    The JBL Flip with Bluetooth capability is an ideal wireless Stereo system for smartphones and tablets. With two 1-5/8-inch (40-millimeter) Drivers and a built-in Bass port, it delivers full-range JBL Sound with exceptional bass - all in a portable package. The JBL Flip offers up to 5 hours of playback time from its built-in Li-ion rechargeable Battery and connects wirelessly to any Bluetooth-equipped device. With performance that comparably priced products can't match, the JBL Flip is the ultimate wireless portable stereo speaker for any environment.
  • In the Box: 1 JBL Flip stereo speaker, 1 AC adapter, 1 Neoprene material carrying pouch, Warranty card, Quick-start guide

  • Versatile, portable design
  • Wirelessly connect to smartphones, tablets, laptops and more
  • Use its built-in MIC for hands-free calls, Skype and FaceTime
  • Hear the truth with great JBL sound from dual drivers and DSP
  • Built-in bass port
  • 5-hour, Li-ion rechargeable battery

  • Amplifier Power: 2 x 5W
  • Battery type: Li-ion rechargeable
  • Bluetooth transmitter frequency range: 2.402 - 2.48GHz
  • Listening time on battery power: >5 hours
  • Bluetooth transmitter modulation: GFSK
  • Signal-to-Noise Ratio: >80dB
  • Frequency Response: 150Hz - 20kHz
  • Battery charge time: 3 hours
  • Size: 6-5/16 in. in Height

  • 声学楼--声学工程师之家
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      发帖心情 Post By:2013-6-6 21:23:37 [只看该作者]


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      发帖心情 Post By:2013-6-6 21:30:13 [只看该作者]



    刚查,确实是What HiFi 5星。



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      发帖心情 Post By:2013-6-7 5:56:01 [只看该作者]

    好高兴啊…我农民老大哥就是喜欢百家争鸣…谢谢老大们指点学习了很多…首先一点是肯定老大们说得确实都对…但是我想要说的是一小口径单元不超过1.5寸…功率不过3W能有在低频上有多好的力度和下潜,先天不足啊…楼上说了要配合箱体容积…唉目前也就是加被动单元、箱体共振点也最多设计在80-100左右…作为不大…又回过来说电路…本身蓝牙传输在音频领域上就是个残疾人 ,天残,目前国际上我还没得到蓝牙传输领域HIFI方面的突破性的科学报道…再就是2*5W如果不是抄作请告知IC型号…目前D类主流高端也就是美国PMA才2*2,7W:再说这小玩具也只能是选D类功放.D类功放在音频领域上又是个残疾人 ,又是天残,目前半导体领域上我也没得到D类功放在HIFI方面的突破性的科学报道…目前HIFI方面功放还是A类的…这么多的残疾集于一身…请老大们用现实的科学理论指导教育我…那些广告宣传词的参数没科研价值…一个农民老大哥心声…期待

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      发帖心情 Post By:2013-6-7 6:08:44 [只看该作者]

    失真指标;蓝牙传输…D类功放这两个方面失真指标加起来己经大于1% …还有单元失真,电路上的电容偶合和传输等等失真…;蓝牙解码过程中失真指标还要大…失真全部加起来…能确实是What HiFi 5星吗…请求指导…有些不明白…是否报道失真…

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      发帖心情 Post By:2013-6-7 7:19:33 [只看该作者]





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    等级:职业侠客 帖子:139 积分:883 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2013-5-29 23:42:29
      发帖心情 Post By:2013-6-7 13:14:33 [只看该作者]

    唉我在电声行业应该就是一个种田的…连打酱油的的都赶不上…楼上的大师们莫生气 、是我一叶障目,见识少…不是我不相信神,我相信JBL这尊神佛…神佛给出的参数一定正确…但是我种田也是知道一点点理论的…楼上说不谈理论我保留个人意见不苟同…再就是1.5寸…功率不过3W的喇叭最多也就二十芯再高磁通量也没见能出什么效果…还有就是不能说铁氧体不好…看用哪里怎么用各有优势…我是糊涂虫楼上莫生气
    [此贴子已经被作者于2013-06-07 13:15:48编辑过]

      15楼 | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC

    加好友 发短信 魅生妖颜
    等级:新手上路 帖子:376 积分:2315 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2011-3-1 21:33:04
      发帖心情 Post By:2013-6-7 13:40:04 [只看该作者]

    What HiFi的五星评价应该是基于诸如体积等等客观事实,做出的评价吧~

      16楼 | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC

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    等级:侠之大者 帖子:277 积分:1829 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2012-6-14 9:51:33
      发帖心情 Post By:2013-6-8 15:26:41 [只看该作者]

    以下是引用水仙在2013-06-06 21:23:37的发言:

    在多大功率下的失真?是1W还是5W ?

    [此贴子已经被作者于2013-06-08 15:28:30编辑过]

      17楼 | QQ | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC

    加好友 发短信 CY
    等级:新手上路 帖子:465 积分:7913 威望:1 精华:0 注册:2006-6-6 16:58:12
      发帖心情 Post By:2013-6-10 11:49:44 [只看该作者]

    Slipstream倒相孔技术不知道是什么技术,但应该是一个特色。蓝牙及内置麦克风可以呼叫应答代表了便捷。电源可播放5小时还不错,但应该不是满功率情况下的。数字功放加DSP处理和音效处理,如果采样率足够高的话,高频部分细节也是不错的(如Bose Soundlink)。外观和结构设计小巧便捷并且有特色和质感。JBL的品牌效应。并不太高的价格(相对于市场上同等厂商的产品)。这么多功能和部件集成到一起,估计结构和电子布板一块也是非常精细的。不错,一个好的产品每个环节都缺一不可,值得学习!

    If it was your last day...
      18楼 | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC

    加好友 发短信 吃素的鹰
    等级:版主 帖子:1102 积分:14331 威望:2 精华:5 注册:2005-11-11 8:11:09
      发帖心情 Post By:2013-6-10 14:09:26 [只看该作者]


    What's hifi给5颗星,也是在同类产品里面比。你要拿它跟一个8寸喇叭做的落地音箱比,它发出那点点低音简直就如同小孩子过家家。


    ^_^ 天地生万物,是物皆有道;得道可明,未得必惘。惘因未得道,而
      19楼 | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC

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    等级:职业侠客 帖子:139 积分:883 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2013-5-29 23:42:29
      发帖心情 Post By:2013-6-14 8:35:24 [只看该作者]


      20楼 | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC

    加好友 发短信
    等级:职业侠客 帖子:139 积分:883 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2013-5-29 23:42:29
      发帖心情 Post By:2013-6-14 8:39:23 [只看该作者]

    [此贴子已经被作者于2013-06-14 08:57:42编辑过]

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